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"Draco stop!" Cassidy giggled as she tried to swat his hands away from grazing her thighs as he was kissing her neck. "You said you would help me study"

"I think you and me have different perceptions of the word study" Draco mumbled against her neck. Cassidy shushed him and pushed his head away from her although she secretly wanted him to continue.

"If someone sees us I swear to god" She whispered. The pair of them were sat at the back of library, Cassidy's books and worksheets were spread all over the desk as she was preparing for mid-term tests that were taking place. The last few days Draco and Cassidy had been meeting up in secret whether it be the slytherin common room after the other students had gone to bed or in the back of the library. They were inseparable, but were still nervous to be seen in this way by any of the other students. It wasn't exactly due to pride or keeping up an image, it was more to shy away from the potential of school gossip, plus Cassidy knew for certain that Hermione, Harry and Ron wouldn't shy on letting her know how they would feel about the situation, not to mention the potential of telling her mother. 

"Come on Cass, you can stare at those books all day, but you know you're never going to get any better at potions" He laughed trying to access her neck again. 

"Hey" she shoved him, earning laugh from him, "The only reason I won't get anywhere with potions is because you are a lousy partner" 

"That's rubbish and you know it" he laughed. "I'm a perfect partner" 

"Perfect arsehole more like" She laughed as she threw a piece of paper at his face. 

"You little shit" he fake gasped. Draco took her hand in his, toying with her fingers. He knew how deep he was falling for her, but he didn't care, for a few moments a day he could escape the shit that he had to experience day in and day out. For a few moments he could pretend that he was a normal boy and that she was a normal girl and that maybe they could have a normal life together. But reality always set in at the end of the day, and at the end of the day, he would have to return to the room of requirement to work on his task set by the man he feared most. 

"You've got such small hands" Draco laughed as he gripped his fingers around hers and pulled her hand up to his mouth kissing it lightly before setting it back down on the table, their fingers still intertwined. 

Before Cassidy could reply, a forced cough caught their attention. The pair looked up to find Hermione and Harry looking at the pair of them. Caught off guard, neither Cassidy or Draco said anything to begin with, but when Harry's eyes flickered down to their intertwined hands, the pair of them noticed and immediately unlinked their fingers. Hoping that Harry wouldn't read much into it, Cassidy began to drift the attention away from what had just happened.

"Hi" she smiled nervously, she hadn't really spoken much to them for a while. But remembering the words in her mother's letter, she didn't want to push them off too quickly. 

"What are you doing?" Harry asked

"We were studying" Draco said plainly, with a lack  of venom that he would normally have when talking to Harry. "Anyway, I should get going" He said, nodding towards Cassidy in a way that only she would understand. Draco knew not to get involved with Potter and his friends this time. It was not his conversation to have. Cassidy watched him as he walked away, her heart fluttering at each stride, she knew she was falling for him hard. 

She shook away her thoughts as she turned her attention to the two people in front of her. "It's good to see you" she nodded towards them. 

"Why are you always with him?" Harry asked, a stern look on his face. 

"Calm down" Cassidy sighed, "we are potions partners now, we are bound to be spending studying time together, plus we are in the same house, I can't exactly avoid him forever"

"Look let's not fight" Hermione sighed, "It's good to see you too" She smiled as she sat down at the table to which Harry followed. "We've missed you" 

"I've missed you guys too, but I've been pissed at you. You guys acted like arseholes" Cassidy sighed as she folded her arms in front of her. 

"Well you keep hanging around with Mal-" Harry began 

"Harry, not now" Hermione scolded, "Look we are just concerned for you, we don't know what Malfoy is capable of"

"Whilst I appreciate your concern, I would like to hope that you trust me to make my own decisions, its only studying" Cassidy lied knowing full well that this was no longer just studying, it was developing into something more. "Why are you guys here anyway?"

"Something strange is going on, Katie Bell being cursed is just the beginning. It seems strange how she would stumble upon on cursed necklace in a small pub in which she was bewitched to deliver to Dumbledore." Harry began, "Something is happening, I can feel it." 

"We just wanted to ask you if you had noticed anything in the Slytherin common rooms or with anyone in your house" Hermione said. 

Cassidy sighed, she was a bit annoyed that they would immediately blame the slytherin students for any wrong doings that happened in the school, but she didn't want to continue any fight. "I haven't, but if I do, I promise I'll come to you" 

"Harry has been set some mission with Dumbledore that involved Slughorn" Hermione continued. 

"He wants me to get to know him, apparently he has some sort of information that is crucial to undoing Voldemort and his plans" Harry said. "I'm going to visit him tonight, could you just keep an eye out around the Slytherin dorms tonight, see if anyone is shifty at night?" Harry secretly meant Draco, but he didn't want to let Cassidy know that out of fear of causing another fight. 

"Of course" Cassidy nodded, she knew that she would be hanging out with Draco this evening so she could sit with him and keep an eye out, an excuse to be out of bed so late. 

"Thank you Cass" Hermione smiled, "Well we have to go now, hopefully we will see you soon?" 

"Of course you will." Cassidy smiled as she waved goodbye to the pair of them as they rose from the table and walked away. She began to collect her belongings and started to walk back to the Slytherin Common Room. As she turned through the corridors, she saw Draco walking down the halls, peering over his shoulder every so often as if he feared someone was following him. Through sheer curiosity Cassidy began to follow slowly behind him, keeping at a distance as if not to get caught. She noticed that he seemed odd, he walked with a tentative demeanor as if he were scared. His pace began to quicken and Cassidy tried her best to follow quickly behind him, until he turned a corner and disappeared. Cassidy stood confused staring at a blank wall wondering where he could have gone. She tried to turn her attention away from it and began to make her way back to her dorm room, wondering what exactly he could have been up to. 

As she entered the common room she noticed that it was empty, she tiptoed up to her room to get changed into more comfortable clothing. When she entered she noticed her roommates asleep in their beds, she got dressed swiftly and quietly and exited the room making her way to the common room where she would wait for Draco to return. 

Cassidy kept an eye on the clock, an hour passed, then two and she began get tired and concerned as to where he was. His behaviour in the corridors worried her and him being so late also concerned her. Where was he? Cassidy began to get tired, she pulled out a blanket from underneath the leather sofa that she had stashed there earlier and she grabbed a book from the bookcase. As she began to read, she felt herself getting more and more fatigued until eventually she fell asleep, the book on her chest and alone

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