Chapter 39

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"ugh" Rose opens her eyes, her hand still clutched onto the item the Undertaker dropped, she shivered at the intense cold that engulfed her body

She was in the middle of the ocean floating near the broken remains of the ship.

"I'm so cold" Rose mumbles "I can't.. move"

Rose closes her eyes and she feels herself slip off the life-reserver and into the water, she feels even colder as she sinks farther down. She slowly opens her eyes when she feels cold but familiar arms wrap around her and pull her up to the surface.

Shes placed on a empty boat and she coughs up water. She found it hard to breathe, she kept coughing and gasping for air, it felt like her lungs were frozen. She started panicking, she knew their was a voice calling out to her but she couldn't hear it, she just kept panicking.

She was suddenly grabbed and felt his lips on hers, she left her lungs fill with air and she instantly felt calm. He stopped and she was able to breathe normally. She looked up at Sebastian who was looking down worriedly at her.

"That's the first time.. we've kissed" Rose says

"Second actually" he jokes lightly

They look back to see the people left in the water who survived fighting over any remaining boats. Sebastian quickly got into the water and pushed Rose's boat far away from them.

Rose looked at her hair starting to freeze 'so tired' she closed her eyes

"Stay awake!" Sebastian shouts jolting her awake "we may be demons but you weren't born this way, you're still weak to these type of human weaknesses"

Rose nods, suddenly Sebastian's leg is bit by an undead in the water. Rose screams and Sebatian kicks it's head in, killing it.

"They can move in water?!" Rose shouts, terrified

"They don't need to breathe, so i can guess they can't drown either" Sebastian tells her


Sebastian covers her mouth "shh! quiet"

Rose looks around to see undead all around them.

"N-No way" Rose shivers

A undead grabs her leg and she screams, Sebastian quickly kills it, he then turns and kills off more that are close. Rose looks off into the distance to see the other life boats that escaped earlier.

"If we escape Lizzy, Ciel and the others will be targeted" Rose says "We can't expose the survivors to danger"

Sebastian looks at her, he climbs onto the boat and takes her hand "Rose, their's something I need to say"

Rose looks around "now?"

"yes.. now" Sebastian says seriously and Rose looks at him "last week when you told me that you loved me I didn't say it back because I was afraid that it wasn't real... the day I made you into a demon I made our lives intertwine forever so I didn't believe it was well... but well.. I do love you"

"...what?" Rose says confused

"Rose Phantomhive" Sebastian kneels down and kisses her hand "no matter how long eternity is, whether it's 5 more minutes or a hundred more years, I want to spend it with you. If you would have me"

Rose stares at him " this some kind of demon way of saying.."

"Rose, you are one hell of a demon. In human terms, will you be my wife and spend your remaining life with me?" Sebastian looks sincere

"Sebastian... of course" Rose hugs him

Sebastian hugs her back and picks her up. He looks around at the undeads.

"Well my Rose it looks like we have an unwanted audience" Sebastian looks at her "what shall I do? Please give me an order, young miss"

"This is an order Sebastian.. eradicate them!" Rose orders

Sebastian picks up the ore and slashes apart the heads of the ones charging at them 

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