Chapter 19

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Rose was up in her room changing her clothes, she was told by Alois to stay upstairs today, though she was not sure why.

Rose was up in her room changing her clothes, she was told by Alois to stay upstairs today, though she was not sure why

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Rose sat in the upstairs library reading a book when she heard a a commotion downstairs. She decided to ignore it and continue reading, but she started getting concerned when it was constant and not stopping.

Nonetheless she stayed upstairs and didn't move. Lunch time arrived and Hannah came up to serve her lunch. After Rose finished eating, Hannah left without saying a word. Something was happening downstairs, she just didn't know what.

After a bit longer Rose heard the sound of swords clashing and then more noise after it. She quickly put down her book and ran out. She stood at the top of the stairs staring at the sight. Ciel had stabbed Alois, Claude and Sebastian stood a bit away.

"Alois!" Rose shouted

Ciel worriedly looked up hearing her voice "R-Rosie"

Rose ran down the stairs as Sebastian pulled Ciel away. Alois sat kneeling on the ground holding his wound.

"R-Rose" Alois weakly looks up

"You're gonna be ok" Rose says when she gets to him, she kneels on the floor when he collapses "Alois!"

Claude stood there watching, doing nothing.

"Alois!" Rose shakes him

"Rose stop" Ciel orders grabbing her arm 

"No!" Rose pulls away from him "don't touch me!"

"Sebastian" Ciel simply says "...let's go.. we'll be back for her"

Sebastian turns to Claude "we're leaving"

Claude glances at him before Sebastian and Ciel left.

Rose sat there crying "Alois"


Hanna stands next to Rose who's sitting next to Alois's bed as Claude changes Alois's bandages.

"You don't have to stay here you know" Alois turns to Rose

"I want to" Rose replies softly

Claude smiles and leaves after he's done

"his smile.." Alois looks down "is disgusting"

"Alois" Rose says worriedly

"You're not stupid Rose" Alois looks at her "you knew this whole time didn't you.. you knew me and your brother were fighting"

"I.." Rose put her hands together

"It's ok" Alois says

"I didn't want to take sides" Rose tells him

Alois falls back onto his bed, exhausted "I don't think their's much left... Hannah take me to Ciel"

Rose gasps "no, your injured"

"I have to speak to him" Alois looks at her "please.."

Hannah and Rose look at each other.


Alois wakes up in a carriage driven by Hannah, his head was on Rose's lap who was sitting in the carriage next to him.

"you silly girl" Alois lifts his hand up and flicks her forehead lightly "you didn't have to come"

"I wanted to" Rose smiles "for both of you.."

"Ah let's see"

Rose knew that voice, her and Alois looked over to see Grell sitting across from them with his booklist open.

"next to die... Alois Trancy.. also known as Jim Macken" Grell smirks pulling out his death scythe

"Alois run!" Rose shouts

Rose blocks Grell's death scythe with her arm as Alois runs away.

"You again" Grell says annoyed "your Ciel's pesky demon sister"

"Alois is my fiancé I won't let you hurt him" Rose kicks Grell into a tree

"Rose" Hannah says worriedly 

"I can handle him" Rose's eyes glowed red "go protect Alois"

Hannah gasps "...y-you're a demon.. too"

"Go now!" Rose orders

Hannah ran off and Rose turned to face Grell.

"You know their's no stopping death" Grell tells her as he stands up "It's fate"

"If nobody could cheat death then how am I standing here?" Rose questions

"Oh you little brat you know what I'm talking about!" Grell shouts then look at his watch "well nothing we can do now.. he's about to die"

"what?!" Rose shouts "no!"

Rose turns and runs into the forest "Alois!" she runs around looking for him "Alois!" she smells his blood and runs in that direction "Alo-"

She stops when she sees the dead corpse of Alois on the ground next to Claude and Hannah, Claude's hand and arm was covered in his blood.

"you.." Rose's eyes filled with tears "you killed him!"

"yes" Claude turns to her "and I believe.. it's your turn"

"careful she's a demon too" Hannah warns

"A girl that's only been a demon for 2 years isn't a match for me" Claude says as his eyes glow

Rose quickly turns and runs as it starts raining. She could hear Claude and Hannah following her, to kill her just like they did to Alois. As she ran she started to know the familiarity of the woods near the Phantomhive manor. If she made it home she would be safe.

She screamed when she felt a knife go into her back, but she didn't stop running she kept going. If she didn't, she knew she'd die. She felt a bit of relief when she saw the Phantomhive manor in the distance. Once she reached the garden she no longer sensed Claude's presence.

Rose ran to the doors of her manor and knocked loudly. The doors opened to reveal Sebastian.

"Young miss" Sebastian says worriedly picking her up immediately "what happened"

"C-Claude's t-trying t-to k-kill m-me" Rose managed out as Sebastian rushed her upstairs

"Rose!" Ciel shouts when he sees her "what happened!"

"Young master she will be ok" Sebastian assures him

"yes the knife sticking out of her back says that clearly!" Ciel shouts

"Baldroy, Finny, take the young master into the other room to calm down" Sebastian instructs

"No I'm not leaving her!" Ciel shouts

The two servants drag Ciel into another room

"Mey-Rin I need you to help me" Sebastian instructs

"Right" Mey-Rin agrees

Rose was already drifting out of consciousness by this point. Sebastian lays Rose down on her stomach on the bed.

Sebastian looks worried and panicked, not his normal expression "we need to hurry!" he looks down at Rose "don't worry young mistress, you will be ok"

Rose's eyes look out the window at the moon, as the room went black she thought to herself that the moon was the first thing she saw when she awoke as a demon.. maybe it'd be the last thing she saw too.

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