Chapter 34

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Three days later their was a dinner party, Ciel was accompanying Elizabeth.

"Ciel, look look" Elizabeth squeals happily "that cake is so cute" she runs off without him

Ciel sighs tiredly "Nobles really don't do anything but gather every day and talk about irrelevant things like what family did this or that..."

"More importantly Young Master" Sebastian walks over to him "It's tonight"

"yeah" Ciel replies

"It seems the signal for the opening of the Aurora Society's meeting is a waiter walking around the hall carrying empty glasses" Sebastian informs him "the attendees take one and go to the meeting place"

"Don't let the signal out of your sight" Ciel orders

"As you wish" Sebastian agrees

"Now where is Rose?" Ciel asks as he looks around "Sebastian go find her"

"yes my Lord" Sebastian bows and walks away

He sees her dancing with Edward.

Sebastian walks over and taps Edward on the shoulder "pardon me"

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Sebastian walks over and taps Edward on the shoulder "pardon me"

"I will see you later" Edward bows to Rose before leaving

Sebastian hold his hand out to her and Rose turns away from him.

"Milady" Sebastian says

"Go away Sebastian" Rose tells him annoyed

Sebastian sighs "you can't stay mad at me forever, just listen to me"

"I don't want to hear it" Rose huffs

Sebastian grabs her hand and makes her dance with him. Rose stares down at the floor.

"Rose, you caught me off guard that morning" Sebastian tells her

"You just stared at me like I said something stupid" Rose replies annoyed

"That wasn't my intention at all" Sebastian says angrily "just listen to me"

"Look I get it, you're a demon" Rose pulls away from him "you're incapable of loving anybody, you just didn't want to hurt my feelings, and I can live with that"

Rose walks away

"Rose" Sebastian sighs "that's not it"


Rose yawns

"Are you alright Rose?" Marquis Midford asks

"yes, I'm just wondering where my brother is" Rose replies

"Well wherever he is he's with Elizabeth" Lady Midford sighs

"I wouldn't be too worried" Edward huffs "their's nowhere for them to go"

Rose giggles, her happy face soon turns to one of fear as a scream echos through the ship.

"what was that?"  Lady Midford immediately stands up along with the rest of her family

Soon more and more screams echoed through the halls of the ship.

Rose stands up in fear "w-what's going on?"

They look to the door to see undead people covered in blood come into the room and start biting into people and killing them. Rose screams at the sight as the Marquis and his family take out swords.

"Edward protect Rose" Lady Midford orders

"yes" Edward agrees immediately

Marquis and Lady Midford run to protect people as Edward protected Rose. All around poeple screamed and as much as they tried the undead people wouldn't die. Edward grabs Rose's hand and they run to join his mother and father. They see Sebastian with them.

"Sebastian" Rose calls out

Sebastian turns to her and hugs her "Milady you're safe"

"Butler!! What happened to Lizzy!?" Edward shouts worriedly

"She is with the young master" Sebastian tells him "they are both safe"

"If they're together we have nothing to worry about" Lady Midford says

"yeah" Marquis Midford agrees

"That boy will protect his fiancée at all costs" Lady Midford smiles

"I was ordered by the two of them to escort you all to safety and bring the young miss back" Sebastian says

"Impossible" Marquis Midford says "the members of the Midford household have protected English for generations. As knights we would never abandon our people in danger"

"We are English knights" Edward adds "we protect the weak"

"yes" Lady Midford agrees "Go back to where they are right away"

Sebastian looks hesitant "but..."

"WE will be fine, protect them well" Lady Midford says

" you wish" Sebastian agrees as he picks up Rose "please be safe"

Sebastian quickly runs away

"Sebastian I'm scared" Rose says "their's so many"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" Sebastian tells her reassuringly "I promise"

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