Chapter 15

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It was late at night when Rose returned to the Phantomhive manor. She saw broken cups all over the floor. Mey-rin took her luggage and Rose went to find her brother. She heard voices and pushed open a door, she saw Prince Soma, Sebastian and Ciel inside.

Ciel was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed "I would probably be just like you Soma,  if.. that month didn't happen"

Rose stood at the door, hidden and quiet.

"...Ci.. Ciel?" Soma says surprised

Ciel looked down "I... I was being humiliated as a pet.. My house was burnt, my family was killed... I was such a.. powerless kid"

Soma stared at him "Your family.. but Rose-"

"Is dead" Ciel says and Soma's eyes widened, Ciel looks at him "Therefore, I returned to this place in order to make those people who put me through such a fate taste the same humiliation. 

The successors of the generations killed three years prior would come to me as long as i am the head of the Phantomhive family that stands in their way. I'm waiting... for them to come and try to kill me here"

"why.. why do you have to go so far?" Soma asked "and if.. if Rose is dead.. who is beauty?"

Ciel walks over to him "Moping around filled with sadness and sorrow, what will come of it? Even dead people can do that. However, I'll live and stand on my own two legs. If we are to die one day, wouldn't it be better to have no regrets?

I'm not saying that getting revenge for predecessors is an admirable thing. This is all just a pastime of mine. It is a game that could be won by either those guys or I as the Earl of Phantomhive. Even though i was put in an abyss of despair, a place likened to hell...

A change as thin as a spiders thread was sent to me offering to choice to crawl out. I decided not to give up and reach for it. We humans have that strength. Though grasping it or not is up to the person"

Soma stares at Ciel in amazement

"And the Rose you see" Ciel looks at him "Is my little sister, alive and well. I payed a price to bring her back to life and I won't regret it.  She can resent me for what I've turned her into, but I don't care. I will show her that this time as her big brother" Ciel tightened his fist "I won't fail her, I will protect her"

Soma blinks "Ciel-"

"This boring speech is over" Ciel walks towards the door "Sebastian, I want to have a talk with you about west. Come"

Ciel opens the door to see Rose

"I-I wasn't eavesdropping" Rose says quickly

Ciel smiles faintly and rubs her head "thanks for returning fast"

Rose smiles "Of course big brother"

The siblings and Ciel walk down the stairs and into the main room


The two turn to see Prince Soma

"I'm... so embarrassed" Prince Soma admits "I'm already 17 but I'm still a fool who knows nothing about this world compared to you. I have been spoiled with luxuries from parents.. so i have never tried to understand other people.

Although I noticed that Agni has something on his mind, I never even bothered to ask him. So, this time I want to know. I want to meet them directly and confirm their reason for leaving my side.

That's why I ask this of you! I also-"

"I refuse" Ciel interrupts and Rose giggles, Ciel shrugs "I'm sorry I just can't even look at someone who knows as little about the world as you do" Ciel turns away "Meh. My door is always open anyways"

"Ciel!" Soma happily hugs Ciel, he then turns to see Rose "Eh... Beauty you're back!" he goes to hug her but Ciel pushes him

"How many times do I have to tell you not to touch her!" Ciel shouts annoyed

"Oh" Soma stands up "by the way... Ciel I'm sorry for breaking those 8 cups earlier. Please forgive me."

"Don't worry, cups can be replaced" Rose reassured him then gets a devilish glint in her eyes "after all you have plenty of money to pay for them"

"You money-grubber" Ciel says and Rose smiles innocently, Ciel turns and rubs Rose's head "get some sleep, I'll discuss with the others"

"But I-"

"sleep Rosie" Ciel instructs

"Alright" Rose sighs


Rose laid in Ciel's bed unable to sleep, she sat up in bed and looked out at the full moon.

"A full moon..." Rose mumbles "just like.. that night"

Rose closed her eyes and a memory flashes through her head.

Rose opened her eyes to see a big full moon in the sky


Rose turned her head to see her older brother Ciel sitting next to her "B-Big brother?"

Her brother stared at her. She sat up and looked down at her dress that was drenched in blood. She looked over to get a better look at Ciel, he had a bandage around his eye. Behind him stood a man with black hair and glowing red eyes.

"C-Ciel" Rose looked at the man with fear

"T-that's Sebastian, h-he brought you back" Ciel suddenly hugged her and started crying "I'm sorry Rosie, I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you."

"what are you talking about?" She asks "I'm alive aren't I? You see me"

Ciel looked into her eyes sadly

"what wrong big brother?" Rose asks

Ciel just looked down in shame and covered his eyes. Rose crawled over to a nearby lake, she looked down into it to see her reflection. She looked the same but she had glowing red eyes... just like the man Sebastian.

Rose backed away from the lake trembling in fear, she looked down at her bloodstained hands then around at all the dead bodies. She looked up at the moon and let out a terrified scream.

Rose screamed and shot up from the bed, she sat there trembling in fear, the image of her glowing red eyes in her head, and the blood... all the blood. The door slammed open and in ran Ciel and Sebastian.

"Rose" Ciel climbed into bed and placed his hands on her shoulders "Rose it's ok, calm down"

Sebastian stood next to the bed staring at Rose with worry.

"It was a nightmare" Ciel hugged Rose, she started crying and whimpering. Ciel looked so worried, just held her in his arms, trying to calm her down. He held back his own worried tears and held her close to him "you're ok Rosie... you're.. ok"

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