Chapter 6

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The rain started pouring down almost instantly. Sebastian took off his coat and put it over Ciel and Rose's heads.

Ciel looked at him "Wha-"

"It's so that your bodies won't become so cold. When we return to the mansion, I'll prepare some hot milk for the two of you, I'll add honey or brandy to sweeten it" Sebastian says with a smile

Sebastian and Grell start fighting. Ciel keeps Rose away from the fighting as much as possible and keeps her nose covered.

Ciel looks at Madam Red "why..."

"Why? You're asking me now, how do you expect me to answer?" Madam Red questions "You and I have become guard dog and sinner. If you weren't a guard dog of this place, and became the hunted one instead" Madam Red took out a knife

"Ciel" Rose says worriedly

"THEN THERE WOULD ONLY BE ONE PATH FOR YOU" Madam Red screams and charges at them

Ciel quickly pushed Rose away and went to dodge, but he got cut on the arm. He made a sound of pain and held his arm.

"Ciel!" Rose stood up and looked at his arm

"Look away you idiot! You'll activate it" Ciel shouts at her and she quickly does, he turns his attention back to Madam Red "Madam! As a doctor, why did you have to murder people?!"

"EVEN IF I TOLD A LITTLE BRAT LIKE YOU, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND! YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!" Madam Red puts her hand around Ciel's throat and holds him against the wall choking him "YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND!"

"No stop!" Rose shouts angrily

"stay.. there.. Rose" Ciel manages to say "keep.. under.. control"

"You... You.." Madam Red raises her knife "IF YOU TWO HAD NOT BEEN BORN, THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST"

She goes to stab him and Ciel closes his eyes.


After a short minute Ciel opens his eyes and sees Madam Red on the floor and Rose standing infront of him. The knife Madam Red had was now tightly held in Rose's hand, blood dripped from her hand.

"You just had to do it" Rose spoke softly "you just had to push my limit"

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