Chapter 12

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Sebastian opened the curtains, the siblings groaned when light hit their face.

"young master's time to get up" Sebastian pulled their covers off

Ciel opened his eyes to see Rose cover her head with a pillow

Ciel sighs "up Rosie"

"tired" she says

"I know, believe me I know" Ciel thinks about last night

The siblings get dressed and ready for the day. The two reluctantly went down stairs to see Prince Soma at the table and Lau as well.

"Ah good morning Earl and Countess" Lau greets

"Morning midget and beauty" Prince Soma greets

"You shut your mouth" Ciel says annoyed

Ciel takes his seat at the head of the table and Rose sits to his side. Sebastian brings out breakfast and they begin eating.

Ciel looks over at Prince Soma and Agni "How long do you two intend to stay in my house?"

"We'll leave once our work is done" Soma replies

"Aren't you two looking for someone?" Rose asks

"We're looking for a lady" Prince Soma takes out that poorly drawn picture of an Indian women "this lady, her name is Mina. She was a maidservant at my palace"

Ciel looks at the stupid picture then turns to Sebastian "Sebastian can you find her with this?"

"Even for me, that's... I'll try my best then" Sebastian replies

"meh, I have never seen such a beautiful lady" Lau comments

"you can't even tell" Rose mumbles

"Of course! She is the most beautiful lady in my palace" Lau replies then turns to Rose "of course you are the most beautiful lady in Engl-"

"SO" Ciel interrupts "why is this women in England?"

"Let's go out Midget!" Prince Soma declares happily as he picks up Ciel "You'll be my guide!"

"Why me!?" Ciel shouts "Besides I'm not Midget, my name is Ciel!"

"Then Ciel, I order you to lead the way" Soma says walking to the door

Sebastian stops him "I'm deeply sorry, but It has already been scheduled for the young master to study and work today"

Ciel is back on his feet "As you can see i'm very busy, if you want to look for that person then do it yourself"

"then what about you darling?" Prince Soma asks Rose

"S-sorry, I have lessons" Rose replies

"Come now young masters" Sebastian says

The two stand up and follow Sebastian down the hall.

"Now I will oversee Young master's lessons, young mistress I trust you'll be able to oversee yourself, first up you have your dance and then-"

"I know my own lesson schedule Sebby" Rose laughs "good luck big brother"

"If that prince comes anywhere near you just shout and we'll head over immediately" Ciel tells her and she nods

Throughout the day Rose can hear constant shouting from Ciel's lessons, it seems like the prince is bothering him and not her.

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