Chapter 26

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"It's asthma" the doctor tells them

Ciel was laying in bed unconscious with Harlequin kneeling next to him. Freckles and Sebastian stood near the doctor. As they talked, Harlequin took the cloth off Ciel's head and dunked it in water before wringing it out an placing it back on his head.

"you dummy" she mumbles

Ciel opens his eyes, breathing heavily still.

"You're awake" Harlequin smiles

The other three look over.

"Water" Ciel says

Sebastian brought over some, he was surprised when Harlequin took it from him and gave it to Ciel to drink.

"Smile, You have had bad asthma since you were very young right?" the doctor questions "there are cases where people have died from it. You should be careful even if you think you have fully recovered. Rest until the fever and coughing has stopped" he turns to the others "you guys should get going then"

Freckles leaves the medical tent, Sebastian glances back at Ciel seeing Harlequin not leaving his side, he raises his eyebrow before exiting.

"You should leave to Harlequin" the doctor says

Harlequin just kneeled there next to Ciel as he drifted off to sleep.

"Harlequin" the doctor went over and waved his hand in front of her face "Harlequin"

"oh right me" Harlequin mumbles then turns to the doctor "what?"

"you should get going" the doctor smiles at her

"No" Harlequin turns back and changed the cloth on Ciel's head "I'm going to stay here doc, I've had asthma since I was little as well so I can help him"

"..alright" the doctor says happily before wheeling away


Ciel opens his eyes and coughs he looks over to see Harlequin sleeping next to his bed. 

He coughs again and mumbles weakly "Sebastian"

Sebastian was at his side in an instant. Ciel took his hand and wrote out some orders without speaking, when he was done Sebastian bowed and left.

Ciel looked over at Harlequin and patted her head "you remind me of my little sister... she would always... do this.." he coughs before falling back asleep with his hand still on top of Harlequin's head


Ciel woke up in the morning to see Sebastian standing over him checking hid fever

"Se... tian" Ciel says weakly

"Good morning. Your fever has lowered considerably, hasn't it, thanks to Harlequin" Sebastian smiles "how are you feeling?"

Ciel coughs "I wouldn't call it good, but it's better than yesterday" he looks around, Harlequin wasn't there "Has she gone for breakfast?"

"Yeah" Sebastian replies, he hands him water "have some water"

Ciel coughs "more importantly, i hope you carried out my request"

"yes, of course" Sebastian answers "There's no need for us to be here anymore. Let's go while everyone is having their meal. We can talk with ease when we get back" he picks up Ciel


Harlequin walks around her tent, the main performers were having a discussion in their tent. When it was over she went over to Freckles.

"hey have you seen Smile or Black?" Harlequin asks

"they've disappeared" Freckles replies sadly

"disappeared.." her eyes widened "you mean they've left... gone home?"

"Possibly, I don't know" Freckles looks sad "but I'm worried, nobody will go look for them. I must be leaving now, I have to go somewhere"

"To where?" Harlequin questions

"Just to report to Joker" Freckles replies nervously

"Alright" she sighs "goodnight"

Harlequin quickly left and went to her tent, she grabs a bag and turns to the opening of the tent. She sees 5 snakes and screams.

Snake parts open her tent "they're here to watch.. for protection"

"r-right" Harlequin says nervously "i was just going out for a walk Snake"

"bag?" he questions

"change of clothes if i need it" she replies

"stay" he says "dangerous to go out at night"

"Alright, whatever you say" Harlequin smiles and puts down the bag

"goodnight" Snake leaves her tent

Harlequin stares at the snakes guarding her tent and lays in bed

She bites her nail "damn it"

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