Chapter 37

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Sebastian is now carrying Rose, they arrive in a room where the Viscount Druitt, Ryan, the two reapers, and the undertaker are. Viscount Druitt has some kind of big device.

"that device, could it be something to stop the corpses?" Rose questions, alerting everyone of their presence

"Where did you get that information?" the Viscount asks

Rose suddenly looks over at the Undertaker "Undertaker what are you doing here?"

"well I was escaping and I was asked to help carry that" the Undertaker replies

"Are you going to activate it?" Rose asks the Viscount

"Not yet" he replies "the cast is still incomplete"

Ryan looks down from the railing "Bastard! Why did you take the device!?"

"I will create a new Empire!" the Viscount shouts "The one who conquered eternity shall rule over everyone else with corruption and decadence! it will be called.. the Aurora Empire!"

Rose looks annoyed "Can I kill him?"

"no, wait" Sebastian tells her "though I understand your feelings"

Suddenly the glass all around them breaks with the undead all breaking it and trying to climb through. Rose screams and Sebastian jumps farther away, he holds her closer to him.

"There're too many!!" Grell shouts

"we must be the only ones left on the boat" Rose mumbles "they're all coming here now"

"meaning the others escaped" Sebastian adds

Rose looked around at the many undead "Please activate it Viscount!"

"I'm not a viscount anymore!" he shouts "Caesar... I will activate it if you call me that way" he winks "with that lovely little mouth of yours, beautiful Kitten"

Sebastian looks angry "forget what i said earlier, let's kill him right now"

"wait" Rose sighs "although I understand your feelings"

"AAAAAAGGGHHHH" Ronald is extremely irritated "ok, do we kill him!?"

"You just stopped me earlier!" Grell shouts then looks down at the Viscount annoyed "Hey you, make that thing work already!"

"Fine, it's time to found my new empire" Viscount Druitt smiles happily "come on everybody, show me the dance of the phoenix to pledge your loyalty to the emperor!"

Sebastian, Rose, Grell, and Ronald all thought at the same time 'Let's kill him'

Druitte looks happy "Come on-"


"fine fine" the Viscount shrugs "Now I will show you.. how the dead army prostrates itself before me!"

He presses the button and... absolutely nothing happens. The Undead continue advancing on them as the Undertaker laughs loudly.

"You've.. GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" Rose shouts "this is the world just FUCKING ME"

"Rose dear calm down" Sebastian says as he jumps farther away from the undead

"we're all fucken dead" Rose mumbles

"What a useless farce" Grell jumps down and goes to kill the Viscount

"Wait! We mustn't kill people!" Ronald shouts

As Grell swings his scythe at the Viscount the Undertaker jumps in front and blocks it with something.

"he he... it's been a while since I've laughed so much.. to lose such an amusing man would be like losing the whole world to me" the Undertaker smirks

Grell is sent into the ceiling, the glass shatters and falls down, Sebastian quickly ducks down covering Rose completely so that the glass doesn't cut her.

"the undertaker is... a Shinigami?" Rose questions confused "all this time he's hidden it so well..."

"Undertaker what is the meaning of this!" Ryan shouts "you said as long as we have the device we'd be able to control the undead!"

"So the Undertaker was the one who orchestrated this whole ordeal.. well then" Rose gets out of Sebastian's arms and stands on her feet "then as ordered by the queen, we must not let him get away"

"what!" Grell shouts "This is a problem between shinigami! stay away outsiders!"

Sebastian steps forward "I also have my job as a butler, so please stay away, outsiders"

"Sebastian, get him!" Rose orders

"yes my lady" Sebastian agrees

Ronald steps up to "okay we'll keep it simple and have the fastest be the winner, but i don't intend t lose against some old geezer"

"Grell and Ronald vs Sebastian.." Rose mumbles "unfair in numbers"

"he he It's almost like a rabbit hunt" the Undertaker laughs "well then... I wonder which rabbit is being hunted?"

Ronald, Grell, and Sebastian all charge at the Undertaker.

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