Chapter 27

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"What do you mean she's not here!" Ciel shouts then coughs

"Young master calm down" Sebastian says though he was worried as well

"I thought Beauty went with you" Prince Soma sat Ciel back in bed "she was gone when I woke up, I didn't know she was supposed to stay here"

"so that means Rose left the manor!" Ciel shouts as he coughs "...Sebastian.. you said you didn't sense her at the circus right?"

"No my lord.. though it is possible.." Sebastian looks away

"What?" Ciel asks

"I might be mistaken.. but" Sebastian looks at him "Harlequin had the presence of a demon and because the young miss is a demon I can't sense her because she is already dead... Harlequin.."

"Their's no way Harlequin is Rose, think about it" Ciel coughs "Rose is gentle and innocent, moreover she is scared of heights, she wouldn't be doing those tricks on the tightrope"

"Yes you're right my Lord" Sebastian says "besides Harlequin was... a bit difficult in that way"

"...did you do what I think you did?" Ciel questions annoyed "the same thing you did with Beast?"

"Well of course young master, that's how i interrogate most ladies" Sebastian replies

"then without a doubt their's no way Harlequin is Rose" Ciel confirms coughing "Rose might be following a lead.. I hope"


Harlequin looks down at the snakes guarding her tent "It's morning, can't I go eat breakfast?"

Her tent opens to reveal Beast "Here" she hands her food

"Why can't I leave my tent?" Harlequin asks

"It's for your own safety Harlequin" Beast pats her head "you're too young to understand, just stay in your tent until the threat's past"

Beast left Harlequin alone in her tent once again, guarded by the snakes. She sat down on a chair and ate her breakfast.

"their's no way.. they suspect me right?" Harlequin mumbles

She stands up and goes through her bag, she turns when she hears her tent open. There stood Joker.

"J-Joker" she smiles "I thought you left?"

"I did" he says walking past the snakes

"oh, did you forget something?" Harlequin asks taking a step back

"Father sent me back to get something" Joker replies standing in front of her

"Your father?" Harlequin questions "well you better get going then"

She steps around him and begins walking away until Joker grabs her wrist.

"J-Joker let go" Harlequin says trying to pull away

"I don't think so" Joker pulls her to him and puts his hand around her throat enough to hold her but not to block her breathing "Rose Phantomhive"

Harlequin's eyes widen 'crap'

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