1999, bizarre summer

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Jotaro's eyes fluttered open from his dreamless slumber.

The noise from his alarm clock blared very loudly.

He checked the date.

April the 4th, 1999.

He looked to his right to see his sleeping daughter, Jolyne.

He had to bring her along since he already divorced his wife.

Either way, today was going to be a big day.

The man moved on with his life and had a daughter.

He was now 28 and a marine biologist.

The job he had now was to go visit his old man's son, Josuke Higashikata, in a small and peaceful town called Morioh.

Joseph had an affair with some woman and Jotaro wanted to go and investigate what was going on and tell Josuke that he's getting half of the money from Joseph or something along the lines of that.

Well, he was already in Morioh but before he could help Josuke any further, he had a meeting with the speedwagon foundation.

It was a meeting where he was getting an assistant to help him with all his work and such.

Just busy work things.

"Jolyne, get up. It's time to go outside." Jotaro gently woke up his daughter.

She opened her eyes, looking at her father with a smile.

"Good morning, daddy!" She smiled.

"Good morning, sweetheart. I'll help you get ready, okay?" He said, a slight smile forming on his face from his daughter's cuteness.

The two got off the bed from their hotel, getting ready for the day.

Jotaro helped Jolyne get ready, buttoning up her dress for her.

Once the two were ready, they went outside of the hotel.

"I'll drop you off at uncle Josuke's place. He's gonna take care of you." Jotaro looked down at his child.

"Okay!" Jolyne laughed.

Her smile was innocent, just white daisies.

Her smile reminded Jotaro of a distant memory that was long ago but faded into an eternal bliss.

The two walked down the sunny road, all the way to the Higashikata household.

Jotaro rang the doorbell and Josuke instantly opened the door.

"Oh, good morning, Jotaro-san!" Josuke smiled.

"Good morning, Josuke." The man greeted the teen.

"I was wondering if you'd be able to take care of Jolyne just for a few hours? I have a busy schedule right now." The man tipped his hat.

"Of course, Jotaro-san! I'd be more than happy to take care of her." Josuke smiled, showing off his cheery grin.

"Alright, don't be a hassle for Josuke, okay?" Jotaro looked at Jolyne.

"Okay, daddy!" Jolyne smiled, taking Josuke's hand.

"Okay, I'll leave you with her. I have a meeting to attend now. Please take good care of her." Jotaro tipped his hat.

"Will do, Jotaro-san." Josuke smiled, waving off Jotaro who was walking away.

The man had to make his way to a lab where the speedwagon foundation was.

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