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Jotaro woke up from his dreamless slumber, rubbing the back of his head. He felt as if someone was watching him but there was truly nobody there. It was only Star Platinum, his stand.

He had woken up a couple of times during night because he subconsciously summoned Star, making the stand accidentally punch things such as the floor.

Good thing the floor was hardy and that Jotaro was asleep when it happened, otherwise, he would've destroyed his entire room by now, completely oblivious as to what happened.

The teen decided to get himself a glass of chocolate milk. He got up and slowly walked down his huge house, going towards the kitchen.

Once he reached there, he opened the fridge to see his favourite chocolate milk sitting there, waiting do be consumed.

With a slight smirk, Jotaro poured himself a glass and sat down in the corner of the kitchen.

Dim golden lights lit up the bamboo floor as he saw a futon on the other side of the room.

Jotaro placed his milk down and went over to the futon, dragging it back to the corner he sat in. He placed it down and sat on top of the comfortable futon.

Relaxing himself, he continued to sip on his milk.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, his mind wondered to Kakyoin.

The way that his cherry-red hair fell across his face and that cheerful smile. Those dark magenta earrings and how they moved with passion every time Kakyoin turned his head. Those glittering amethyst purple eyes filled with loneliness.

"He's kind of cu- No! What the fu-" Jotaro covered his mouth. "What on earth am I even saying? Good grief." The teen ran his hand through his hair, scoffing.

"I don't even know him. I don't like anyone or anything." Jotaro hissed, taking another sip of his milk.

"I hate it in here now." The teen finished his milk and had a cup of water after. He then grabbed his jacket that was sitting on a chair in the dining room.

After doing so, Jotaro quickly slipped his hat and shoes on. The teenager snuck out the window of the house and jumped over the wall that surrounded the house.

It was the middle of the night and he didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he wanted to get some fresh air since Star Platinum had woken him up.

"Ugh, why does my stand always come out when I don't want it to?" Jotaro said with an annoyed expression on his face.

He then came across the midnight market, a place where all sorts of people go to buy food, drinks, and play games.

There were food stalls selling ramen, seafood, meat, and all sorts of good stuff. There were tons of people there too.

It was like a festival for people with way too much time on their hands.

The young man then heard his own stomach grumble. He was surely hungry. Jotaro checked his pockets to find about 700 yen, just enough for a bowl of fresh, hot ramen.

Jotaro looked around and found a ramen stall. It was the same vendor he ate from every time he snuck out to the market. He approached the man and tipped his hat.

"Oh hey, Jotaro. I see you've snuck out again?" The man said.

"Good grief. You better not tell my mom." Jotaro looked down.

"Sure thing, buddy. So, you'll take the usual today?" The man asked.

"Yeah." The teen said, placing his yen down on the counter.

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