5 || Recruitment

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—A few days later—

"Well, you haven't killed any of us..." Shigaraki said to the woman. His tone of voice falsely led to believe he was slightly annoyed at the fact.

Everyone had been gathered in the main room of the small hideout the League was currently inhabiting. Everyone was standing scattered around the room.

"I guess you could join the League.." Shigaraki mumbled just loud enough for the others to hear before he turned away and flopped down into a chair lazily.

"Now Shigaraki, that's no way to be asking someone to join us." Mr. Compress spoke up.

"You're not Kurogiri, stop acting like him." Shigaraki snapped. It was true, Mr. Compress really had tried his best to fill the role Kurogiri left vacant when he was captured and sent to Tartarus.

"Well? What do ya say?" Toga questioned excitedly as she looked at the woman.

The woman thought for a moment before she gave a simple answer, "Okay."

The gauntlets on her hands started to softly glow. She grunted at the throbbing pain in her hands and suddenly slammed one of her fists against the brick wall, a shallow crater forming in the solid clay. The glowing of the gauntlets ceased.

All the League members were slightly on edge, her sudden movement causing them to jump. They may all be cold villains, but in the presence of someone as powerful as her, they would be fools not to feel uneasy.

"What was that?" Spinner asked.

The woman's facial expression relaxed as the pain in her hands subsided. "The gauntlets are to keep my power in check. I can't get them off and they do hurt." She explained.

"If only we still had Big Sis, she'd probably be able to get them off." Toga said. She looked at the ground, poking the floor with her shoe sadly as the memories of the deceased Magne came back to her.

"Well first things first, what do we call you? You never told us a name." Shigaraki asked the woman, completely ignoring the problem of the gauntlets.

"I haven't had a name in years, it's faded from my memory." She told. It was true, after years in Tartarus without being addressed with a name, she had forgotten her name entirely.

"Well, that's unfortunate." Mr. Compress commented.

"Oh! Oh! I know! We can just give her a new name!" Toga exclaimed as she jumped up behind Twice and wrapped her arms around his neck playfully. Her mood really had improved in the last minute.

"Great idea Toga! Boring." Twice agreed but his second personality crashed his mood.

"Might as well, we ain't got any better ideas." Dabi said with a shrug.

The whole group thought for a bit, brainstorming different names that would fit the woman. A few of them suggested names, but they were all turned down or overlooked.

"How about 'Rin'?" Mr. Compress spoke up. This was his first suggestion.

"Rin? What does it mean?" The woman asked.

"It means dignified. I'd say you fit that." The villainous magician replied.

"Oh! I like that name, it's badass and pretty." Toga said.

"Sure." Rin accepted her new name.

"What's your long-term goal with the League?" Spinner asked Rin.

"Freedom." Rin replied simply.

"Well, you're free right now aren't you? With us I mean." Toga pointed out.

"No. Tartarus will track her down, she's not free until she's off their radar entirely." Shigaraki stated.

"Then we fight with her." Mr. Compress said.

"We do?" Dabi questioned the magician's statement.

"She's now a member of our group, isn't she? As such we should protect her." Mr. Compress responded.

"Compress is right! She's one of us now, so we should keep her from the threat of Tartarus." Twice jumped in.

"No." Rin stopped the conversation.

"What do you mean no?" Shigaraki asked, turning to her. "I thought you wanted freedom."

Rin gave her answer, "I do want freedom. But we don't keep me from Tartarus, I'm not running. Instead, I want to tear it all down."

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