6 || Prison Layout

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"What?" Spinner asked, confused.

"I want to break all the villains out of Tartarus, let them do as they please. Society has been rotten to me, it doesn't deserve forgiveness or mercy." Rin clarified.

Shigaraki was mildly surprised by Rin's chaotic idea. Even as the leader, he hadn't thought a prison break of Tartarus was a possible feat. Now that she was on their side, so many more possibilities had just been unlocked, it was just like getting a new character in a video game.

"Do you even know the layout of the prison? How're we even gonna get in?" Shigaraki asked.

"Someone get me a piece of paper and a pencil." Rin ordered.

Mr. Compress walked over to a cabinet near him and opened a drawer. He pulled out a normal piece of paper and #2 pencil. He handed them both to Rin, who placed the paper down on the table in the room.

"The prison is surrounded by water, and the bridge is a drawbridge. That already makes it infinitely harder to get in, we'll need a boat or some sort or flying thing." Rin said as she drew a sloppy circle- the best circle she could with the gauntlets on her hands, then she labeled part of the circle as the entrance with an 'x' mark. "Then there are the watchtowers, they'll always be on the lookout." She drew two sloppy squares in the circle- one on each side of the 'x'. "At the first sign of a potential attack, the prison will send out its defense system. The defense system is of a few powerful guards and I believe some machinery."

"Whatever they throw at us will be difficult to get past, it's Tartarus after all." Dabi groaned, "Nothing's ever easy."

Rin continued, ignoring Dabi entirely. "If we're looking to break out prisoners, that will be hard as well. The system is next to flawless. If there are any disturbances guards will swarm the prison to keep all prisoners secure."

"How do you know all this?" Toga asked.

Rin placed the pencil in her hand down on the table with a small clack. "I almost escaped once. But that was a good few years ago at least."

"Well, there's a surprise." Mr. Compress was impressed. "Someone nearly breaking out of the most secure prison in Japan."

"Cool!" Toga exclaimed.

Shigaraki cut the off-track conversation short. "Yeah, whatever. Keep explaining the prison."

"There are six floors to the prison- plus a hatch that leads to an extremely secure seventh level, no one gets in and out unless they have a specific microchip on them. There are multiple cameras in every cell and hallway, it'll be hard to sneak anywhere."

"Where were you kept?" Spinner asked.

"The very end of the sixth floor, the hardest cell to get to. In the cell they kept me in a full-body cuff, completely covering all but my head and kept me suspended above the floor. The cuff was so intricate that it cared for my every need- I didn't need food, water, or anything. They even kept a mask over my face, I couldn't speak, all I was able to do was see and breathe the fresh air that is regularly pumped into the cell. They monitored my brainwaves and always had me under strict control at all times, constantly keeping me at gunpoint."

"That's so unfair! No one deserves to be treated like that." Twice kept his voice just below a yell.

"That seems like an awful lot of security for a single person." Mr. Compress commented.

"Considering what I can do... it's not." Rin held up her hands that were incased in the gauntlets. She looked at them. "These greatly hinder my abilities. They take away a good amount of what I can do, and even then what powers I can use are held back by about thirty percent."

The room fell silent. If Rin's powers were held back like that then she was even more powerful than they had seen.

"Can we trust you?" Shigaraki asked Rin out of the blue.

"What?" Rin asked as she knocked herself out of a daze she had been in by looking at her gauntlets.

"Can we trust you? You won't turn on us?" He restated.

"Yes?" Rin questioned skeptically. "Why?"

Shigaraki pointed to her gauntlets. "We'll talk about plans later, right now we're going to find a way to get those off you."

A/N: More chapters have been asked for and more chapters you shall receive.

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