13 || Level Cleared

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"Warning. All cells opened. Please take caution." A robotic voice echoed throughout the hallways of the prison.

"They did it. Nice." Shigaraki remarked with a smile.

"Tomura pay attention!!" Toga yelled as she chucked a knife past his head, the blade impaling a guard that had tried to shoot at Shigaraki with a sophisticated gun.

"Dammit!" The guard cursed as he clutched his shoulder where the knife had hit, his other hand still holding his weapon.

Shigaraki swiftly ran to the guard, reaching out and grabbing the gun he held. The gun turned to dust under the influence of Shigaraki's quirk. Then he grabbed him by the arm. The man turned light grey in color and crumbled into a pile of dust.

The leader of the group looked around. About a dozen bodies littered the floor— some charred, others stabbed, and the rest just piles of grey dust.

"That's the last of them." Dabi said as he leisurely jogged over to Shigaraki.

"Everyone good?" Shigaraki asked, looking to the rest of the group.

"I'm a little scraped up. I'm fine." Twice responded as he and Toga walked over.

"I'm okay, but I'm worried about Rin. If we're having this much trouble, imagine her out there..." Toga sighed.

"I get the feeling that she'll be just fine." Shigaraki said. "But right now we have our own things to deal with."

More guards rounded the corner into the hallway that the group of four was standing in, weapons drawn.

"Us four against the world, huh?" Shigaraki said.

"Yup!" Toga clapped her hands together with a smile.

"Always! Without fail." Twice gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with." Dabi affirmed, the palms of his hands igniting in his signature bright blue flames.


"Watch it!" Shigaraki warned as he jumped off to the side to avoid being hit by a beam of bright red energy.

"Move, both of you!" Dabi instructed loudly and clearly.

Once Toga and Shigaraki swiftly jumped out of Dabi's way, the blue flame villain blasted fire all the way down the hallway. The flames scorched the walls and the floor, yells echoing through the blaze as it rapidly reached the guards.

There was nothing to kindle the flames in the hallway, so they burned out, the smoke being all that remained.

"Damn." Dabi cursed under his breath.

When smoke cleared, the guards at the end of the hall were still there, seemingly unscathed. Their guns were loaded, the barrels aimed at the villain that tried to burn them alive.

"That didn't work!" Toga yelled.

"Dabi!" Twice called in alarm. He jumped up and tackled Dabi to the ground as they narrowly avoided another energy beam.

The two scrambled to get behind a piece of wall that Shigaraki had dislodged as cover, joining the other two villains.

"Charge them!" A guard called.

The guards rushed forward through the hallway.

"Now what?" Toga questioned nervously.

Shigaraki thought of his options. Dabi's firepower wasn't working. Toga couldn't take on that many guards at once with only her flimsy knives and syringes. Twice could only replicate two people, and even then, the process of creating them took time. Oh, if only they had gotten Rin's measurements.

'There's no choice then. Time to clear this stupid level.'

Shigaraki jumped out from behind the cover and into the line of sight of the guards— and at the mercy of their weapons and the quirks that they potentially wielded. He reached out towards the ground, if he could just decay enough of the floor—

The group of guards suddenly got crushed as the side wall of the hallway came crashing in and crumbled in the middle of the floor. Several additional limp figures were buried in the rubble. Crouched on top of the pile was Rin, her wings stretched high.

"...huh." Shigaraki mumbled. "That works."

"Hey, Rin!" Toga waved, coming out from behind the rubble. Close behind her, Dabi and Twice followed.

Rin stood up and dusted herself off. "Hey." She replied absentmindedly.

"What's going on out there?" Twice asked.

"A massacre." She said simply. "It's slowed down, I think they've realized that they can't use regular tactics against me."

"Why don't you stick with us then." Shigaraki suggested. "If there's less out there then there's more coming after us in here. We could use the extra power."

"And the companionship! Don't forget that!" Toga added.

"You four stay together then, I'm going a different way so we can sweep the place quicker." Dabi said.

"You can't go alone! I'll go with you." Twice jumped in.

"Fine, c'mon then." Dabi said. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started to walk away.

Shigaraki looked to Twice. "Just don't get yourselves killed."

Twice nodded back to his leader then turned and started to follow behind Dabi.

"Cya, Jin!" Toga waved.

Twice briefly turned around to wave back at her before running after Dabi, calling for him to wait up.

"You think they'll be fine on their own?" Rin questioned after the pair of villains was out of earshot.

"Of course they'll be fine! Dabi may be a stubborn moron, but Jin knows when to run." Toga responded.

"Yeah, Twice can get them out if they need to escape." Shigaraki agreed.

Rin nodded. "Okay. And what's our plan?"

Shigaraki looked between the two of them. "The three of us are heading down to the sixth level. I need to meet up with someone."

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