8 || Plan

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—The next day—

"Alright, so the plan is to just waltz into Tartarus?" Toga asked in conformation.

"Pretty much." Rin said, "So long as Shigaraki can get an EMP."

"Giran said he'll get one to me by tomorrow morning." Shigaraki said blandly.

"We go in the front, right where the drawbridge closes, that's our best chance." Rin explained, pointing at the piece of paper she had on the table in front of her. The paper had Rin's sloppy sketch of Tartarus on it. "Now you said you have some people on the inside of the prison, they'll back us up if we can get them out of their cells."

"And that's where the EMP comes in, it'll fry everything and release the prisoners, correct?" Mr. Compress asked.

"Yeah, that's the general idea." Rin confirmed.

Twice spoke up, "But still isn't that really dangerous? Yeah, you guys got some sorta death wish or something?!"

"We don't have much choice, there's one way in and one way out of the prison." Dabi shrugged. "And we need to get them out, an EMP's the best way to do it."

"We're villains, doing anything is dangerous." Spinner said as he twiddled one of his knives in his hand.

"What about the towers? There's bound to be some people with guns or something." Toga said.

"Leave the towers to me, you guys need to take care of the robots and guards that will fight you in close-quarters." Rin instructed.

"Okay! Leave it to us!" Toga cheered sticking her fist up in the air excitedly.

"Heroes will show up to stop us if we take too long." Dabi stated, "What do we do then?"

"Valid point, Dabi." Mr. Compress interjected, "If the top ten show up we're as good as done."

"The EMP will fry all the electronics for a short amount of time, but after that Tartarus will be able to contact heroes for immediate backup." Rin told, "They will call heroes the first chance they get so we'll need to be prepared for that. Hopefully by then we'll have more allies."

"So breaking others out is going to be our first priority." Shigaraki summarized looking down at the sketch on the table.

"Yeah." Rin said back.

"Is there anyone in the prison we need to avoid?" Spinner asked.

"No. You guys'll be fine." Rin replied. "They'll focus on me more than any of you, so there are a few people I specifically need to avoid."

"Well then tell us who they are! We'll get rid of 'em for ya!" Twice said pointing to Rin.

Rin turned down his help. "Thanks, Twice, but no. You'll already have your hands full getting prisoners out."

"So we've decided on tomorrow?" Mr. Compress asked fiddling with his cane, tossing it back and forth from one hand to the other repeatedly.

"Yeah." Shigaraki said, "I want it done as soon as possible."

Mr. Compress compressed his cane and put the small blue marble into the back pocket of his pants. "Well I'm going to sleep. I suggest you all do the same, we'll need the energy."

"I'll stay up a bit longer." Rin told as the others began to go to their separate rooms. "I want some time to myself."

"Sure, whatever." Shigaraki waved off Rin's decision, heading off to get some shuteye himself.

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