4 || Meeting the League

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With a flash of bright blue, the woman was released into a dimly-lit room. She was no longer on the battlefield, she had been transported elsewhere.

Though she was disorientated, her first instinct was to turn on whoever was near her. She quickly swept her leg along the ground, using the force from her leg to pivot around in a half-circle, her wings arcing around her as protection.

She was met with the faces and masks of the League of Villains. Her eyes darted around to each of them. Every member was there; Toga, Spinner, Mr. Compress, Twice, Dabi, and of course, the leader of the group, Tomura Shigaraki.

"Welcome back to reality, my dear." Mr. Compress greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Toga! You're cute~" Toga eagerly introduced herself.

The woman offered no response to the teenage girl. Her goal still floated in her mind, kill them. Right now, she stood her ground. There were too many villains too close to her to be able to do anything.

"She's not gonna answer you. Not sure if you noticed but we technically brought her here against her will." Dabi pitched in.

"Shut up, ashtray." Shigaraki snapped.

All while the League members were bickering, the gaze of the woman darted between them all.

Once they stopped bickering, they started to approach her. As they walked up to her, she snarled at them as a warning not to get any closer.

They all stopped walking closer, but Shigaraki had a different agenda. He pressed his luck and got closer to her bit by bit, inch by inch.

Seeing she didn't get the leader to stop, she backed herself into a corner of the room. She glared at the League as if daring them to make a move.

"Why are you so aggressive? You're from Tartarus, if anything you would be on our side." Mr. Compress asked her.

"You're the only thing between me and freedom." She growled.

"Great, we got an answer! Okay, she can speak, so what?" Twice celebrated but his second personality killed his mood.

"You do realize that they're just using that as leverage to get you to do what they want right? They'll never let you go free." Spinner questioned the woman.

She didn't respond.

"I'm gonna guess she knows that." Dabi said.

"Well, she's free at the current moment." Mr. Compress stated turning to the woman, "We have no sort of ill-intent towards you, my dear." He assured her.

What Mr. Compress said seemed to relax her a bit, her posture less stiff. She was still wary, but less so than earlier. Her aim to kill them was fading from her mind, her loyalty to Tartarus revealing to be no more than a simple mindset.

"Why am I here?" She finally asked her question.

"We partially did it to spite the heroes," Shigaraki revealed. "But if it's freedom you want, then we have a common goal."

"I know! We're gonna recruit her right?" Twice asked loudly.

"Oh yay!" Toga squealed excitedly. She had been rather lonely without another girl in the League.

"She can stay here for now. Whether or not we recruit her depends on her behavior." Shigaraki bargained.

The woman's wings folded into themselves and merged back into her back so that they were no longer visible. She stood up straight. She still didn't trust them, so she would continue to keep her guard up for now.

"So that's a yes?" Spinner questioned.

She said nothing, only watching each of them for any threatening action. Trust between her and them was almost nothing for the time being.

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