By Your Side (11)

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"By Your Side" -- Sade

Since the door was ajar, Georgie stuck her head between it and the doorframe, catching Jaden's eyes in the mirror. "Could I borrow a smidgen of toothpaste? I had one of those travel sized tubes, but it seems that I've lost it."

Raising her toothbrush to her mouth, Jaden answered, "You may have a smidgen of toothpaste. I don't want it back." Ignoring the pajama-clad woman's smirk, she offered her the tube of Colgate and the unused sink next to hers. Though Georgie had her own bathroom, she took Jaden up on the offer to share. This meant more time together before they would be separated for the next eight or so hours.

A comfortable silence between the pair, they brushed their teeth side by side. While she did so, Georgie found it easy to imagine that they were an ordinary couple getting ready to turn in for the night. Brushing their teeth together was something that they took part in on a nightly basis--it was their routine. Then they would check on the children if they had any yet before retiring to their cozy bedroom where they would snuggle underneath the covers.

Sometimes they would immediately fall asleep because though their day was productive, it was quite tiring as well. At other times they would share stories from that day, occasionally smiling and laughing (but not loud enough to awaken the children) in the darkened room if something amusing had occurred. And then there were the times, many times when their aroused bodies would do the majority of the talking as they brought each other pleasure throughout the night.

After running the strong bristles over her tongue until she was satisfied, the real estate agent rinsed her mouth with water. If Jaden could read my obsessed thoughts, she'd probably kick me out of here! Disagreeing with herself, Georgie shook her head as she accepted the plastic cup of mouthwash the person responsible for such thoughts handed to her. No, she's so sweet that she'll wait until morning to kick me out. She might even drive me somewhere. Like she was doing a tequila shot, the blonde threw back her head as she tossed the amber liquid into her mouth.

While Jaden massaged her Aveeno facial cleanser into her face and neck, Georgie counted to thirty and then spit. The other woman handed her a fresh washcloth and then proceeded to rinse. She informed Georgie that she could use her Aveeno, but the blonde replied that she had already washed her face with her own product. Jaden reached for the towel hanging over the shower stall and removed the beads of water on her face and neck with it as Georgie fiddled with her toothbrush, wondering if she should leave now. She couldn't think of a good reason to stick around.

Since there were three slots left over in Jaden's toothbrush holder, Georgie dropped hers into the perfectly sized hole to the right of her friend's blue and white dental implement. Now she would have a reason to return in the morning because she had left her toothbrush in Jaden's bathroom. Oh, yeah. Obsessed doesn't begin to describe what I've become.

Thinking it a great idea to bid the musician a good night and take her leave, Georgie turned to her just in time to see Jaden pick up her toothbrush and toss it in the wastebasket. What the...A frown forming, Georgie threw her toothbrush in the wastebasket as well.


"Hey yourself! Why did you throw my toothbrush in the trash can?" the blonde indignantly asked. "It was practically new because I just opened it two weeks ago."

"It was touching my toothbrush."

"Oh? Is your Colgate toothbrush too good to be touching my lowly Oral-B your majesty?" She noticed the smile that flitted across Jaden's lips.

"No, that isn't what I was getting at."

"So what were you getting at, J-Co?"

"Your brushes touched my brushes and that isn't sanitary."

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