Chapter 14

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Doctor Iveco's P.O.V

It may be depression or something. I don't know. At this point, I feel like... any defeat will bring me down, to the... deepest bottom.

I was in my room, sitting on my bed with my laptop on my lap, seeking some pieces of information about the online interview with Bolt Riot Duo and Cellophane. It's late afternoon. I killed Momo, Jiro and Toru yesterday.

But while Toga, Dabi and I are at our base, Shigaraki wasn't here because he had some "stuff" to do. What kind of stuff is he doing when it takes him so long to come back home?

Self-diagnosis is almost always wrong, this is why you go to a psychologist, right? To get the right diagnosis. And besides, the anxiety about any setback that may happen... it's about just about pressure. It will go away. It will be worse in the future. In many jobs, you have to work under the pressure so it will just make you stronger. This anxiety will make you stronger.

I looked at the ceiling.


What's wrong with me?


Reconsidering just for anxiety's sake, of course.

"...The Bolt Riot Duo and a hero..."

And besides that point... my dear, I don't think it's depression. It's just the influence that society has on you and natural pressure. It's like growing up, it will go away, you're just changing and see things which aren't like you see them. This confusing state of yours is natural and everyone has to get through it. You're not special nor different. This state just makes your mind twist. Everything's alright. You just have to be patient and be kind to everyone because it's not like you see it. You can say that what you see, your reality is twisted.

I got distracted. Again.

"...Cellophane even now are promising civilians that everything's going to be..."

I couldn't even end the article because the doors to my room opened so unexpectedly that I shivered slightly. It was Toga with her usual, big smile--- no, smiles are usually kind. Toga was grinning and staring at anyone she could half of the time.

She ran into my room dancing-like. She was wearing her crow black long dress which she stole from some store a few months ago. It was simple but it still looked great on Toga. As usual, she's barefoot, and she had her two messy buns on her head.

"Hi! What'cha doin' you crazy tree-head?!" She shouted while dancing-standing in front of me.

"I'm researching and feelin' down. Just not now Toga, I'm busy." I said while trying to focus on my work and keep away Toga and my negative thoughts that started flowing into my head as soon as I remember what happened in the morning.

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