Shiho's decision

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"..a trip?" She asked

"Yeah, you know those kind of self discovery trips" the professor explained.

She fell silent, and the professor decided to leave her to think about it

'coming to think about it I never traveled anywhere besides England and that time was only to study, maybe a real trip will help me' she is almost convinced, who would say no to a trip.

That day she lied on her bed and she has made her mind to travel but..
"What would kudo kun say?" She whispered wondering in the darkness

The next day she woke up and got herself a suitcase, she looked around her room there isn't much actually to take, a few pairs of jeans and shirts, two jackets and one shoes.
She sat on her bed looking around, the room was so simple and almost empty, there was only a bed, a small table and a mirror on top, she looked at her closet that's now empty, there's no trace that someone lived here except...

she looked at the small table that was next to her bed, there was a  photo in a white simple frame, it was a photo of the professor and the detective boys with her and shinchi in it, she grabbed it and traced her finger on the smiling faces, she missed the detective boys so much.
She saw them once when she went to the grocery store and she followed them secretly, but they didn't notice her.

They were talking about the cases they solved with conan and haibara, and how much they missed them and they decided to send them a letter later
"I didn't know I'd miss you so much" she said as she saw them walking away

She came to reality when she heard a knock on the door
"Shiho lunch is ready, shinchi and heiji are coming"

She took the photo and left it on the top of her few clothes in the suitcase and closed it.

She went down to find shinchi and heiji talking about a soccer game
They sat eating lunch and everyone was talking about something, and every time she wanted to speak and tell them that she will go in two days she gets interrupted.

She looked at shinchi talking to heiji and the professor and just kept pondering him 'I guess I'll tell him later' she smiled at him lost in his blue eyes, and unaware to the eyes that were watching her.

Suddenly shinchi said:
"Ah yes, I forgot to tell you mum and dad came yesterday did you get a call from them hakase?"

"Yes, I'm glad they came it's been a long time since I last saw them"

"Well, there's another reason for them to come". He said and he looked tensed

"Which is?" Asked heiji.

"They want to celebrate our engagement, I mean me and ran's engagement properly" he said that and took a glance at shiho, and he still doesn't know why? What a fool

The smile that was on shiho's face disappeared, and shinchi saw the serenity and the blueness in her eyes are there no more, they were replaced with a darker grey pupils that were staring at him as if trying to pierce his soul.

Shiho noticed shinchi's eyes and got a hold on herself 'what am I doing? I don't want him to get suspicious'

"What are they planning to do? Your parents" asked heiji trying to distract shinchi.
And it looked to him that it worked because shinchi composed himself and and looked at his detective friend "I don't know, I didn't ask but I think that it will be a big party and everyone will be invited and I wanted to tell you guys first because you're family" he said smiling at them

"That's nice of you shinchi kun, when is the party?"

"The day after tomorrow"

"Ah it's the same day shih..." he stopped talking when shiho held his hand under the table and shook her head slightly to stop him.

"Is something happening after tomorrow hakase?" Shinchi asked trying to think if there's something important.

"Yes, your true love will slip out of your hands after tomorrow" heiji whispered to himself.

And shinchi looked at him as if he was crazy.

"We will be there kodu kun" with a fake smile planted on her face she said.

'What happened to her?, she's acting weird, and I didn't even get a chance to speak with her alone at all as if the world keeps on polling us apart' he thought as he drunk his coffee in silence, and stole glances at her.

Well good job he figured that out finally right?

After two hours shinchi left and heiji stayed, and he followed shiho to the kitchen where she was making coffee
"I didn't know that you were a great actress" he said looking at her back since she didn't turn to look at him

"And why is that?"

"The professor told me that you plan to flee"
"I don't think you understood the professor correctly, I'm not fleeing it's just a trip I've never seen the world and now is a good timing"

"Good timing to not see them get married?"

The cup she held in her hand slipped and fell to the ground, and the coffee was splashed on the floor.

"I didn't expect that it will be easy to read you" he said and pointed at her face.

She looked at the coffee that's now is all over the floor and sighed "I .. I don't know what are you talking about"

She quickly gather the broken pieces of the mug and wiped the coffee, and stood up to flee out of the kitchen because if heiji kept pressing and cornering her, she's afraid that she might tell him everything.

Just when she was about to exit the kitchen, heiji grabbed her arm: deny all you want, but it's obvious shiho so obvious but...

He was cut off in the meddle of the sentence he wanted to say because, shiho freed her arm and ran out of the kitchen.

"It's so obvious to everyone shiho, except for him" he signed and went to head out of the kitchen when he saw shinchi standing there.

"K.. k kudo" he stuttered when he saw shinchi at the kitchen door with a shocked expression on his face .

An awkward moment of silence passed between the two detectives and heiji's heartbeats were becoming faster and faster with every passing second, until he felt that shinchi was able to hear them.

"Heiji, I will ask you a question and I want you to answer me honestly" shinchi said with a hint of anger in his voice and, he looked to heiji as if he was sending sparks with his eyes.

'I'm surely gonna die today' that's what heiji thought.

How are y'all have been? Sending you love wherever you might be 💙

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