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In heaven Satan was the best,
The worship-leader, very blessed
Magnificent, all would attest
Thought he'd be above the rest
He fell from honor... fell from grace
In the end he lost the race

The handcuffs were placed on her hands
mrs yoona: I still don't regret what I did he was a monster and deserved what happened to him I saved the world from him
the police took the wife to the police station to finish the rest of the proceedings

:you did a good job tante san
shinchi: you too partner
ran ran toward shinchi and hugged him: you did a great job shinchi I'm so proud of you
shinchi's face turned red : maa ran it's not the first time I solve a case
ran bend down to conan: isn't shinchi amazing
conan nodded to ran
ran: oh poor Conan you still look sick why don't remove the mask so you can breathe better?
conan: no ran nichan I don't want you to get sick I'm okay with the mask
ran: oh conan you will grow up to be a gentleman not like that dense detective next to you
shinchi: oi oi you didn't need to say that out loud

It was 1am when Haibara couldn't sleep she decided to go outside and sit near the beach .
the wind was blowing, the cold breeze made her feel better as if her heart was light, as if she could fly away like a feather or a little leaf to settle on his shoulder without him noticing her just there going with him everywhere and anywhere she doesn't care and he won't notice her  and by the end of the day he will notice that little leaf and blow at her to fly away and he will continue with his life , but her life will stop by just a simple blow of him .(she laughed on her thoughts her simple yet impossible thoughts)
: I knew I would find you here
she was startled at the beginning but she knows he's voice she can recognize it between a thousand voices
Haibara: I couldn't sleep so I came to have a fresh air, what about you tante san?
Shinchi sat next to her: same
They sat next to each other for five minutes just looking at the see without saying a word
Haibara felt the pulse of her heart accelerate she felt that he will hear her heart beat she thought ( what's the matter with me it's not the first time I sit with him alone stupid heart get your shit together)
: you didn't answer my question?
Haibara: huh what question?
Shinchi: I asked why would disguise as Conan for me?
Haibara stayed quite for a minute: I don't remember saying I did that for you
Shinchi: why the embarrassment?
Haibara laughed :it's just that thought of her waiting for you made me do it I think she has a big heart that made her deal with being away from you
Shinchi smiled at her: but I think you have a big heart too ,but you don't show it to us , you think of everything and everyone and you do things without talking
Haibara blushed but this time she was not able to cover it with her icy look she was happy to know what he thinks of her
Shinchi: Haibara lately I noticed you avoiding me but I didn't talk l was thinking what did I do ? did I say something wrong? did I hurt you? I wasn't sure . Until I noticed how tired you are I knew I didn't take care of you you lost a lot of weight and you look tired working your self to finish the antidote, I'm sorry for being dense as always
Haibara laughed this time and it was the first time shinchi saw her laugh in that way he thought ( what a beautiful laugh she looks beautiful like a normal girl)
Haibara : kodu kun thank for your concern but don't worry I'm fine
(he noticed how tired I look, so sweet of him) ahmm don't stare at me as if I was a case waiting for you to solve
shinchi: I don't look at you like that
ai: oh yes you do corpse magnet
shinchi: I swear to god I started to feel like I really magnet corpse
they laughed at the idea

then both of them stayed silent and looked in each other's eyes
shinchi was losing himself in her eyes
They didn't break the eye contact till the  strings of the sun began to swim in the horizon both of them felt the blood raising in their faces and they looked to the other side
Haibara: I think I'll go to sleep
Shinchi: yeah I'll stay here for a while
Haibara: see you later
Shinchi: yeah haha later
When she went inside shinchi thought: what the hell was that????
It's almost winter why do I feel hot
Haibara went to her room but she wasn't able to sleep how could she sleep after what just happened?
she stayed in bed waiting for the professor and detective boys to wake up .

it was 10 in the morning when the professor and the kids went to the beach and they met ran there with sonoku
everyone was having fun , Haibara sat next to the professor and helped him with the food.
she can't swim since she's disguised shinchi came later and when he saw ran in that bikini he's face turned red and almost fainted
Haibara was sitting under the umbrella looking at them ( prevert detective he must be daying of happiness)

Shinchi was playing then he looked to see where's Haibara and went to sit next to her and the professor
Hakase: looking good shinchi is it because you finally met ran?
Shinchi: maybe and also because I missed being shinchi
They were talking and didn't see the girl's sitting between them she was drowning in her place ( dense as always, why can't he put on a shirt):ahmm I think I'm going to drink something cold you want something hakase?
Hakase: no thank you ai
and she asked the detective without looking at him and she went off
shinchi got crazy: I swear she's avoiding me
Professor: look you're exaggerating I don't think she's avoiding you , and if you think so this is your chance go after her and ask her
Shinchi thought( well I already asked her) and he's mind went back to a few hours back just the two of them and the sunrise welcoming a new day, he smiled
hakase: earth to shinchi, what are you thinking about?
shinchi: nothing, I'm going
he followed Haibara to a coffee shop that takes 7 minutes walking from the beach
Haibara: stupid detective who's not wearing a shirt , i mean it's almost winter why can't he wear a shirt
: who?
haibara ( he's following me damn it , I hope he didn't hear me)
: stop it stalker
: I feel like we need to talk
ai: I don't
He grabbed her arm: Haibara what's wrong ?
she was trying so hard to free her self from he's grip : kodu kun you're hurting me
Shinchi: I need to know why are you so far ?, why can't I reach you?, why're you avoiding me as if you can't sit with me just the two of us?
she shouted: because I can't
he was shocked ( Haibara what happened to us?)
they stopped for a minute both of them thinking about this situation and what to say
:I'm sorry it's just because I'm tired you're right the problem is not you it's me
he released her arm from his grip: I'm sorry too , for being selfish and not understanding your situation
Haibara: it's fine tante san , now I'm gonna get something to drink come with me i need someone to carry the drinks
: hai hai captain
they went to the coffee shop as they entered both of them were together but their thoughts was in another universe , thinking about what just happened a minute ago what did shinchi just said he said it without thinking about the consequences
and what Haibara said and losing herself she was about to say it all
about the feelings she has been trying to endure since the first day they met the pain she's suffering during this trip, working on the antidote is not the reason why she looks tired it's because of him ,this trip is not just a vacation it's a hard training for her heart to accept the reality and the truth she tried hard to accept the truth that shinchi loves ran and he will never love her and see her as a woman whose he might fall in love with ( why would he? after all I'm the evil creator of the drug that ruined he's life , look Haibara look at the life you ruined and you almost was about to make it worse you almost confessed to him stupid heart, stupid feelings I can't say it I can't even to myself that I... love him

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