If this night passes

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"If this night passes
I'm scared that I might not see you

Those clear eyes
That familiar touch
Your face that I looked at while smiling
Will I not be able to see those again"

-bts jin

'Just one more step, one little step won't hurt anyone' he thought

And so he did it confidently, and he reached his hand out to her
"Would you like to dance?"

She hesitated a bit but, why not have one last memory?

And so she reached her hand out to him
And, they started to dance and with every step they take, they get closer to each other.

Their eyes were glued to each other, and their hearts were beating so fast.

Shiho's hand were cold and trembling, and it definitely wasn't because of the cold weather.

"You're shivering" he said as he held her hand tighter, and pulled her to him.

"I don't know if you noticed, but it's snowing Sherlock" she said trying to be sarcastic.
He rolled his eyes at her and smiled
It's snowing but both of them can only feel the heat of how close they are, and that wasn't a good sign

He forgot that this was his engagement celebration, and he forgot that his fiancée is inside waiting for him, he forgot everything and he was in the moment, dancing outside in the freezing weather with his partner.

And as for shiho she forgot that she was leaving this country, and she still hasn't even told him.

As the song was coming to an end, they were so close that they could feel each other trying to breathe in to calm their hearts.

Shiho closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest for a second.
Shinchi stood in his place like a stone and tried not to breathe so she doesn't notice how much his heart is beating but,
She noticed.

As for shiho she forgot that she was not supposed to do this, what happened to her?
She opened her eyes quickly and looked up at him.

'What the hell did I just do?' She slapped herself mentally
With that realization, the next second she was as far from him as she could
She was busy calming herself, and didn't see the broken look in his eyes.
"Ahh, I don't know what happened to me, I think I drunk too much hhhh" she said hoping that he would believe.
'That's right act drunk, no one can blame a drunk person's behaviors' she thought

"Right" he said
Again ... there was silence...
It seems that these two can feel comfortable in silence, it's when you know what the other person is thinking without the need to talk
Isn't that amazing?

"I'm leaving" there she said it finally.

"Where? It's still to early to go home" he said as he looked at his watch.

She started to get nervous, and she looked at her hands and played with them
"Leaving here, leaving japan"

She raised her head and looked at him when she felt like he didn't hear her right


"Y.. you must be joking right?" He asked with a shocked expression

"No, I'm serious, I'm leaving"

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves "when?"

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