Are you happy detective?

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Days passed and life went on for everyone in beika street.

Shiho was now walking easily using the crutches, she felt like a child who's learning how to walk alone, and she felt bored sitting around the house doing nothing.

As for hakase he was busy, he had to go to a convention in the next town and shiho had half the day to herself so, she decided to clean the lab since now she doesn't have to work on the aptoxin4869

She went through the files in her computer and deleted them 'there's no need for them now, it will be dangerous if they fall in the wrong hands'

After that she turned off her computer and went to the samples she made of the antidote, shiho found them in the same place she last saw them, there was a dozen of these pills.
She took one and raised it up and looked at it, and the memory when she handed it to the detective came rushing to her mind.

She smiled putting it down 'these too needs to go to the wastebasket'
After throwing the pills in a trash can, she headed to the stacks of files on her desk and went through them slowly taking her time, she wrote so many things in these files in the past year she wrote a lot of equations and notes here and there on how the antidote was effecting the detective.

there were so many sentences scratched on and many were underlined, stating that it was important to look at, her fingers traced over the files and books around her.

'Now that there's no need to work or run away, I feel like I'm too like these files, no need to me'

She spent a while in the lab and time passed on, she didn't notice until she felt a light tab on the door and she looked behind her

"I knew I would find you here"
"How may I help you detective?"

She heard him sighs behind her and walked closer to her
"how many times do I have to say this? I don't need a reason to come and see you, besides the professor called and said that he called you and you didn't answer, he's worried"

She smiled "is that so?" She stood and used her crutches to help her walk without putting pressure on her feet, it's not like she really needs them but she used them because of the professor.

" would you like some tea?"
"Yeah, it's getting a bit chilly out there, tea would be great"

She walked slowly on the stairs and he was behind her, it was hard walking the stairs with crutches , when she raised her foot to go up another step, she slipped and lost her balance and almost fell to the back over him but, the detective was quick and catched her and his hand went straight around her waist bringing her closer to him as if he was hugging her.

"Wow, careful " he said
She removed her hair out of her face and smirked at him
"Good timing, kodu kun"
"I didn't know you were clumsy" he said and smirked at her
She felt her cheeks turning red and said "I am not!"

They were there in the professor's empty house standing in the middle of the stairs, so close to each other
Shiho felt uncomfortable with his hand around her waist and it looked like he forgot to remove it.

" hope you're comfortable detective"she said while looking at his hand and he slowly was turning red
"Sorry, I forgot"
"Sure you did"

They headed upstairs to the living room and shinchi turned on the t.v and sat comfortably on the couch.

the professor's house seems to him like his own house these days he spent a lot of time in it.
As for shiho she went to make some tea.

He felt his phone vibrating in his bucket and he looked who the caller was, it was ran his fiancée
"Ran, where have you been, I called you this morning you didn't answer"

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