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Dear readers,
Do you know this feeling, when you're so excited about something that's really important, and almost a life matter at least to you and something happens, and everything you hoped for vanished into thin air.
you feel like you will never be happy again it's like... like yes I know what it's like, it's like the dementors kiss, i know you think this is funny but, whoever watched Harry Potter will get the literal feeling now.
She was shocked to be honest she didn't expect even in her dreams that, as soon she opens her eyes from a coma that lasted two months she would find the love of her life at least to her is engaged.

She took a breath and surpassed her feelings and said in a calm voice: should we say congratulations?
She noticed he got panicked and hid his hand behind his back 'what's with him hiding it from me?'

:oh, yeah it happened so suddenly
And he murmured to himself 'so suddenly that even i was surprised'

Shiho: looks like a lot of things happened the last two months.

Shinchi looked to the floor: yeah, but, I couldn't care less you weren't there with me, I I meant with us

She smiled at him, and signaled to him to come closer: I've been sleeping for two months, I could lend you an ear if you want to.

That afternoon Shinchi came closer to her and started telling her everything all over again.

Yes all over again, The thing is shinchi didn't tell shiho that when she was in a coma he already told her about everything, literally every little detail and shiho was really listening and , she laughed when he laughed and commented every now and then, he asked for her opinion and she said what she believed in with all honesty, even though her opinions and thoughts are usually against his but, that what he loves about their conversations, someone who would go against his point of view and say whatever they believed in and, that's what shinchi loves about shiho, that she challenges him and those challenges aspires him to improve himself in every way.

Shiho decided to cry herself out when it's night and no one could hear her sobbs.

It was at night when the nurses almost kicked shinchi out of the hospital because, the visiting hours finished two hours ago and he basically spent the whole day with her.

He was walking and whistling a sweet melody and he threw his jacket over his right shoulder.
he looked at his watch: ouch it's getting late
He grabbed his phone and opened it ,and he yelped there was over ten calls from his fiancée, yes from ran.

He walked home and thought, how come he didn't notice the time was flying while he was talking with shiho.
But he stopped in his tracks when his thoughts went back to the day they faced the black organization, gin's voice came to his mind "I bet he doesn't know about our past"
Shinchi shook his head to get rid of gin's voice "I'm sure, he said that just to make me angry, I'm sure there was nothing between them"

Ever since that day his thoughts would take him back to what gin said but, he would shake his head and try to forget it saying, that he just said it to make me angry , he wanted to know the truth but he couldn't ask shiho, she just woke up, and he was scared that if he opened the subject the answer might not be what he wants to hear.

That night shinchi lied on bed and shiho's peaceful face when she was smiling at the flowers was stuck in his mind, he didn't dwell on it longer for he quickly went to sleep and tried to forget what Gin said to him.

In the hospital wing everything was so quiet, almost all the patients were in a deep slumber except for a few whom thoughts kept them awake.
And there's no voice, nor a wondering soul in the hospital hallways, except for the cleaner who walks the corridors with his broom and, when he's finished he travels to the upper floor.

When the nightfalls the true feelings of people is revealed, they tiredly remove the masks they were wearing all day to let their emotions unfold for a few hours, for in the darkness of the night no one can see how hurt, broken, and vulnerable they are.

Shiho was one of many people, the cool facade is removed and her pain is visible on her face, she insisted on the professor to go home and get some rest so that she could be alone and hear her own voice.

She was standing in the balcony her light blue cardigan is on her shoulders , the cold night breezes were playing with her hair. She was like a painting to the beholders the pain is visible in her eyes, His picture wearing the ring is stuck in her mind. her thoughts are everywhere there were many voices inside her head and each voice said something different
"You need to tell him your feelings he can't predict what do you want to say"

"If you tell him you'll ruin his life"

"Oh for god sake just give up, his not meant for you"

"If you tell him you'll not regret it at least you tried"

"Yeah tried and humiliated yourself"

She imagined herself standing in front of him and confessing her feelings and, shinchi looking at her and laughing and holding ran's hand and saying "I'm sorry shiho but I cannot love you back, I love ran and I'm going to marry her, you're welcomed to our wedding by the way" and he smirked at her.

"No, no that can't be happening" her head was between her hands she wanted to smack herself to stop the voices.

And with that nightfall she couldn't settle her feelings and come to terms with them, in that nightfall shiho was like many other people who placed their masks back on and returned to that cool facade they always wore, preparing for a new day.

She went to her bed and whispered to herself "what life is nothing but a big masquerade party".

The next day at 2 afternoon shinchi was on his way out of university, he was walking so fast and looking at his watch he needed to go to a flower shop he didn't notice ran who was running to catch him.
She screamed:SHINCHI
Everyone in the yard looked at them and they were really embarrassed, everyone in the university knows about their relationship and they call them the married couple so, when ran screamed his name the students started to point fingers and said: "looks like the married couple had a fight"

Shinchi: oh, ran sorry I didn't hear you"

Ran looked angry and asked him: "where are you going? Why were you in a hurry?"

Shinchi was rubbing his nape : uh to shiho

Ran was starting to really feel that shiho is about to be a problem between them so, she said:oh really, then I will come with you

Shinchi wasn't sure about taking her: I don't know ran maybe....

ran: oh come shinchi, I'm your fiancée it's my duty to visit you BEST FRIEND

He got scared when he heard the sharpness in her voice so he nodded and took her with him: but we need to get her flowers

Ran now is angry and about to say no but she held it in and said "of course we are"

Sending love to you all, wherever you might be 💙

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