Camping trip

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It was 4 in the morning when she opened her eyes and looked at the boy sleeping at the edge of the chair she was lying on
Removing the towel that's now dry and pondering at the boy in front of her ( it must be tiring huh?) she touched his cold cheek and whispered to him in a low voice: thank you kudo kun
she covered him with her blanket and got her self a coffee and went to the rooftop to witness the sunrise it's been a habit for her to wake up very early even if she slept late she will wake up before the sunrise , she sat there looking at the sun rising behind the mountains announcing that its a new day full of possibilities and surprises she smiled at that thought but that smile didn't last long : It's a new day , without the final antidote , akime please help me so I can help him

When it was 6 in the morning she went down took a shower and made breakfast for the professor and the detective and went to the lab to work since she wasn't able to work yesterday and stayed there 3 hours and she did a little progress since she slept almost well , she came up when she heard noises upstairs and found the tents and sleep bags : going somewhere professor?
: ah ai kon i was coming to get you, now get ready we're going camping in the forest
Haibara: that's so sudden professor did you tell the detective boys?
He told her the whole plan and that he invited ran and sonoku too : they must be ready go and get ready, I prepared your bag i took heavy clothes we don't want you to get sick
: where's kodu kun?
The professor told her that the boy with the glasses went to the agency to get ready after the breakfast
She went to her room changed her clothes and came down to find the professor putting the bags in the van , she locked the house and went sitting next to the professor's side and they headed to the agency .
When they arrived they picked up ran sonoku and conan and finally a surprisingly a very excited hije
and they continued to pickup the detective boys

After an hour of driving they arrived to the forest and everyone was excited about spending the night in the tents and by the campfire the professor told everyone what to do he will be cooking with haibara and ayumi , ran and sonko while the boys will get some woods for the fire and then they can do whatever they want after that
The cooking went well and the professor told the girls to go and have fun
Ran and sonoku went for a little walk and they were talking about so many things that they didn't notice the animals traps infront of them it was a trap covered with tree leafs and ran unfortunately stepped on it and her scream echoed in the distance
" what was that"
"I know what was that , that's ran screaming i can recognize her voice " said the detective " come on kodu it can't be her you most be imagining "
The detective threw what's in his hand and started running towards the voice , the tiny branches were hitting him in the face
" it seems that we're lost kodu" .
"shush hije I can't tell where to go" .
and ran's screaming suddenly stopped they went straight hopping it was the right way on the other side of the woods sonoku was calling ran who fainted in the hole "ran ran can you hear me , oh please anyone help me" she heard a voice behind her someone was walking towards her "what if it was a hunter who sit this trap and came to see if he got anything?" She quickly grabbed a stick that was lying next to her and raised it to the person walking towards her and for her surprise it was a girl with a hoodie on her head " who are you?"
" you have to help me if you want to save your friend before the hunter who sit this arrives "
sonoku was looking at her and started trembling " oh he will kill us if he comes we most get ran out quickly"
"well then help me here I tied the rope to the tree now i need you to hold this side and don't you dare to let go of it or we will stuck in there" .
The girl tied the other side of the rope to her waste and headed down the hole
While Conan and hije still looking for ran and sonoku who's voice disappeared in the distance "they can't be that far , kodu we must go back to where hakase and the rest is"
Sonoku: did you get there? Do you see ran? 
She only heard: ouch , that hurts
She removed the hoodie and looked down at herself with a tank top and a training pants "wow I forgot i had a body, damn it it's not the right time to say that" she then took a stick and put it on ran's injured leg and wrapped the hoodie around it tightly .
she then tied ran to the rope and started her way out
The hole
Ran opened her eyes to see a girl with a short strawberry blonde hair it was so rare to see a hair color like that "who are you?"
"I know you must be scared but we need to get out of here before the hunter come so please help me try to push yourself up"
Ran was in front of the girl and was trying to claim but her broken leg was preventing her
"It's alright you can put your weight on me don't step on your leg"
Ran asked "what's your name?"
"Here's a good idea l'll tell you my name when we get out of here alive"
They got out of the trap and sonoku was holding ran who wasn't able to stand "thank you for saving me I owe you with my life"
"It's nothing anyone could do it"
Sonoku "how come you found us are you camping too?"
"Yeah i was camping near here when I heard you screaming"
Sonoku "but ran don't you think she looks familiar? Have we met before?"
"Ah I don't think so "
Ran: but you're so pretty your hair color is rare in here
"Yes I'm half British"
: ah what a catch I've got today better than a bear
Sonoku screamed louder than ever when she saw the hunter coming to them
The girl got ready to attak the hunter but before that she turned to face the girls and said : oh my name is hairi by the way

Well I'm sure you know who's our hero is?

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