Shiho got caught

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When they dropped the girls at the agency heiji, shinchi and, shiho went to the professor's house they tried to convince heiji that they will tell him everything tomorrow but heiji protested and said "I won't be able to sleep, you better tell me now"

They entered the house and found hakase sitting in the living room
"You guys finally found the way home? Shiho I'm starving"

"Sorry hakase, I didn't expect to be late and I didn't make dinner, I'll make something for you now"
Shiho went straight to the kitchen and tied the apron and started cooking for the old man

As for shinchi and heiji, they sat with the professor and heiji ushered them to start.
So shinchi told him everything happened the in the past few months, and shiho came 20 minutes later with the professor's dinner and shinchi was telling heiji about the masquerade party, and the night the black organization went down
"... and that's when shiho got shot" said the detective and looking at shiho who was sitting next to hakase
"I don't like this topic" said hakase with a frown on his face.

"Umm .. anyway I'm glad that you both are alive and safe" said heiji closing the topic, when he understood that it was sensitive.

They stayed silent for a few minutes then the professor excused himself and went to bed, and so did shiho she went to take a shower and go to bed since she's been walking all day.

It was already midnight and Heiji and shinchi didn't feel like sleeping so, they decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, the two detectives put on their jackets because it was getting cold outside and went out into the darkness.

They walked in silence for a few minutes but, then heiji broke it and said:
"Congratulations man, I didn't get the chance to congratulate you before"
Shinchi smiled at him and that smile didn't last long, and heiji as his friend understood that something is off

"I didn't know you wanted to get married so soon, I remember you saying that you want to explore the world first, and leave a mark on it before focusing on marriage, looks like ran finally tied you to her" said heiji as he studied his friend's face

"So tell me are you happy?" Asked again since he didn't get an answer for what he said before

He saw shinchi looking around and twitching as if he wanted to escape that question.

"Hey kudo what is it?"
"Hattori am I doing the right thing?" Said shinchi suddenly.

They stood in their tracks and looked at each other .

"Kudo what happened? Did she threaten you to marry her? Why do you look scared?" Said heiji trying to hold his laugh and light the mood.

"I'm serious hattori, am I doing the right thing? What if we are going so fast and at the end we will get hurt?" Said shinchi remembering the professor's words.

Heiji thought for a minute "well isn't this what you want at the end? Isn't marrying ran was something you wanted for a long time? What does it matter if you marry her now or later if she's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

"I mean yes marriage is something i want for sure it's just that.." he didn't dare to continue the sentence but he said it in his heart
'I'm not sure if it's ran who I want to marry'
But he can't back out now, he can't break her heart, it must be a temporary situation, that's what he told himself to escape thinking about it.

"It shouldn't be a problem, I heard that people who engage or get married change, and get tense and they question if what they are doing is the right thing, don't worry" said heiji trying to comfort his friend but he's no stupid, it was obvious shinchi doesn't want to marry ran but it looks like he doesn't know yet, or he knows it and knowing shinchi and his noble sense he wouldn't back down on Ran first, he will wait for her to talk first.

The next day when shiho woke up and went downstairs, she found the two detectives sleeping in the living room
She came closer and closer to shinchi's sleeping figure and looked at him with a smile on her face

'Even though you're dens to my feelings towards you and I'm angry about it I can't help it, you look so cute when you're sleeping'
She was so lost in thought as she looked at him, and forgot totally that heiji was here until, he said "good morning"
She flinched when she heard his voice she turned around nervously and looked at him, and he smirked at her 'he caught me' she thought

"There's two types of people who ponder other sleeping people"
He said raising his finger "one the ones who's after revenge or, two the ones who's deeply in love but can't tell, and I believe that you are the second type" he said standing up and fixing his hair.

She looked at him as if he caught her stealing, she recovered quickly and said "or the very special type in which I'm looking at the effects of the pills I made that turned him into a child" she lied

He laughed and shock his head left and right "we both know the apotoxin didn't show any effects in months"

They stood there in the living room looking at each other in silence
Until they heard a movement
"Good morning you two" said shinchi with a husky voice
He felt as if there was something in the air.
"Is there a problem?" He asked

"No, I was asking heiji kun what dose he want for breakfast" she said looking at heiji as if her eyes said 'don't say anything'
"Yeah, right she was asking" he said mumbling.
And quickly shiho disappeared from the place to the kitchen.

Shinchi got up and wanted to follow shiho to the kitchen 'she looked as if she wanted to say something, did something happened to her?' He walked to the kitchen when hakase's voice stopped him "shinchi why are you still here? You will be late for your lectures"

"Oh, I totally forgot" and he backed out of the kitchen, he was about to enter and headed out of the door  to his mansion, to get ready for the day, with the thought of talking to shiho later.

Shiho prepared breakfast for heiji and the professor, the two men kept talking and she just played with her food.

Heiji finish and immediately and, went out to solve a case and there was only shiho and the professor left

After a while the professor asked:
"Shiho you look troubled"

She wasn't going to tell him but, this is the professor we're talking about he knows shiho very well to let it go
"Lately I've been feeling useless hakase" she said honestly

"It's normal to feel that way, you now don't have a purpose that now the organization is down and shinchi is back"

"Before I lived to work on the apotoxin, now I feel as if the days passes me by and, as if the world is moving but I'm the only one standing still"

Hakase kept quiet for a while as if he was thinking
"How about... you take a trip?"

".. a trip?"

Hi dear readers,
I'm really upset I don't know why the chapters keeps getting mixed, even though I delete them and upload them again in the right order
If you notice anything not in the right order please do tell me to fix it
Thank you.

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