Chapter 11

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Marie's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but look out the window. I know Harry would want my attention but what I see is too important.

"Babe are you okay?" Harry asked me.

I snapped out of my trance and look at him.

"I think... I think I just saw..." I couldn't talk. I was too shocked.

He told me he had his eyes on someone. But to go make out with someone he wasn't dating.

"What did you see?" Harry was eager to know. He looked out the window and so did I.

They weren't there anymore.

"I-I saw Niall... He was kissing someone else." I was able to talk.

The waitress came up just as Harry was about to talk.

"What could I get you?" She asked Harry batting her eyes.

Harry just started at the menu, "Um. Can I have a water and penne ala vodka. What about you Marie?"

"I will have a water and Caesar salad please." I said as politely as I could with this girl in front if me.

"Okay that will be right out." She stated waking away before flashing a wink at Harry.

I could feel the jealousy building up in me. First Niall goes making out with some random girl and now some girl is flirting with my boyfriend. No I don't think so.

I felt Harry take my hand into his and start rubbing circles on the top of it.

"Relax," he whispered, "I've only got eyes for you. No one else."

I looked up at him and smiled. He returned the gesture while the waitress put our drinks down in front of us.

She was walking away when she turned to Harry and said, "Call me if you need anything." With another wink.

I swear if this girl tries anything on him, her pretty little face won't be so pretty anymore.

"So what do you think?" I heard Harry ask me.

I gave him a confused look and he chuckled, "I said Simon wants you to record a song when we go back to London. He also wants to see how our voices work with yours. How does that sound?"

"That's cool." I mumbled as my most favorite person in the world came walking up to us with our food. -note the sarcasm-

"Here you go babe," She said to Harry while placing his food down right in front of him gently, "and this is yours." She said practically throwing my food down.

"Please be nice to her. She will be seen more frequently with me. She doesn't need any of this." Harry said to the waitress.

I sat there aghast. Harry actually does care. He actually does care about me. He gave me a smile. Which I gladly returned.


Harry's P.O.V.

I hope Marie doesn't think I like this girl what so ever.

"I'm done." I heard Marie whisper.

I saw she finished all her food. I had finished 5 minutes ago.

"Good because this date isn't over yet!" I tried to enlighten her. I saw her half-smile.

I took her hand and dragged her to the front. She was patiently waiting next to me while I paid. I love her eyes, they change from green and blue. They have various shades inbetween. It all depends on what she's wearing. Since her shirt is grey based and she has neon orange skinny jeans her eyes are are really cool shade of green.

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