Chapter 4

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Sorry that it took a while to update! We hope you enjoy this chapter! And we will do half this chapter Autumns pov than we will see this chapter from Marie's pov. 

~Forever Directioners


Autumn's P.O.V.

I grabbed Marie's arm as we were walking to the dressing rooms with the boys. I still can't believe this is happening.

"Autumn, what are you guys doing after this?" Niall asked me.

"Um. Right after the concert we are going to a hotel to stay the night!" I replied simply.

He just nodded and kept walking. But I couldn't help but notice a little sadness in his eyes. Did he want to spend more time with us? Or is he upset that we are staying here for a bit?

I shrugged it off and kept walking. All of a sudden I felt Marie being pulled away from me. I looked to see who took her and saw none other than Niall.

That kind of makes me give my hopes up. But just as I was going to run ahead and start a conversation with Louis, I was pulled to the side. I looked up and noticed it was Harry.

"Autumn can I talk to you about something?" He questioned me.

I nodded and gestured him to carry on.

"You see, I kind of have this thing for Marie. But, I don't know if she likes me back. When I heard I was her favorite I was like cool, but that doesn't mean she would be willing to date me. I'm not saying you have to tell me if she does like me, I just want to know if I have a chance!" He concluded.

I nodded my head and responded, "Go and ask her out. She wouldn't ever turn you down! She would totally go out with you!"

"You sure?" He asked uneasy about the decision.

I just nodded my head. I looked to see Marie walking by herself waiting for me, so I took this opportunity to push him forward.

"Go ask her out now." I whispered to him.

He nodded and went on. I'm happy for them no matter what. I'll totally ship Marry!

I just smiled to myself and walked into the dressing room. But suddenly I was yanked onto a couch.

"What's with everyone and pulling me today?" I asked not directing it towards anyone really.

They all laughed at my comment and I pouted, "Fine, be that way." I stated.

I then heard a throat clear. I turned around and noticed that Niall has pulled me on the couch.

"Oh. Um. Hey." I stuttered along my words.

"Autumn, I support your answer to what I'm about to ask you 100%. But, I was wondering if maybe. You. Um. Wanted to. You know. Go out with me?" I found it so cute that he stuttered on his words.

I looked around and noticed everyone was crowded around Marie and Harry. I wonder what's up with that? But than I remembered I didn't reply to Niall.

"Yes." I state without hesitation.

"Really?" He questioned like it was a dream.

I nodded in respond and than was engulfed in a bone crushing hug. Nothing could get better than this moment.

Marie's P.O.V.

Autumn grabbed my arm as we walked back to the dressing room. I can't believe this is happening to us. I mean, I know I have been the leader out of the two of us and all but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous.

"Autumn, what are you guys doing after this?" I heard Niall question her.

"Um. Right after the concert we are going to a hotel to stay the night!" She stated simply.

As Niall nodded and turned around I saw sadness in his eyes. Right when he was talking to Autumn I could tell his eyes were full of hope but now, no such luck. I was about to talk to Autumn about this sudden change in Niall's mood when I was yanked to the side. I looked up to see who the person was and realized it was none other than the blue eyed blondie himself, Niall.

"Sorry for pulling you away like that. But, I have a problem and thought maybe you could help me figure it out." He seemed nervous.

So I encouragingly told him to carry on and I would listen.

"I really really like Autumn and everything. So I wanted to know if you thought it would be okay to ask her out. You know we have only really known you two for a couple hours but when you two walked in and I saw her. Wow! I love how her hair is a light brown. I love her bright green eyes! and the way she smiles! I just can't get her off of my mind!" He concluded.

I looked at him and realized for the first time he was actually serious about this, "You really like her don't you?"

He bit his lip and slowly nodded his head.

So I told him exactly how he was to do this, "Pull her to the side when we get back to the dressing room and ask her than."

"Really?" He asked.

"For sure!" I replied easily.

At this he left me to walk by myself. Patiently waiting for Autumn to come back from wherever she was. I looked around and found her standing with Harry. Oh Harry, I love his big green eyes and curly brown hair. I can't stop thinking about the performance. I mean he actually sang 'Stand Up' to me. I can't believe it! Just as I was about to pull out my phone to check my texts, I felt someone bump into me.

"Sorry." I heard a familiar British accent say. I looked up to check who it was. Yep, of course it had to be Harry Styles.

"It's cool." I said while I tried to act cool.

"Uh, Marie can I ask you something?" He asked. He's rather polite if I do say so myself.

"Um. Yeah. Uh. Sure." I stuttered. Yeah definitely playing it cool there.

"I was wondering, if you wanted to sorta go out with me?" He asked shyly. Did he actually think I would say no? Silly boy.

"Of course Harry! I woud love to!" I replied cheerful.

He brought his eyes from the ground up to me with the biggest grin on his face. It was now that I realized we were at the dressing rooms. Wow! These halls are really long! Harry gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek! Once we got into the dressing room Harry pulled me onto the couch with everyone else. But I soon realized that our number had decreased.

I looked around the room to find that Niall had pulled Autumn to the side like I told him to. Good job Nialler!

"Does Autumn always get pulled around or is it just today?" Liam asked me.

I gave him a confused look, "She just yelled at everyone because we are pulling her around or more likely just Harry and Niall."

I looked at them with a grin plastered to my face while I turned to face Harry.

"So what's up with the two of you?" Louis asked pointing to me and Harry.

Harry responded for us, "I actually got the guts to ask her out! With a little help from Autumn. But, yeah and she said yes!" He seemed so happy.

I couldn't imagine a better night with a better group of friends. I looked back over to Autumn and Niall and saw them hugging. The rest of the night would be fun. Too bad we would have to go in a little bit and the boys go back on tour tomorrow. But, forget all of that. I'm gonna enjoy the moment while it lasts.



We hope you enjoyed this chapter. We will try to upload sometime this week. But, with school and everything we get really busy!

But, go out and read "And then there were 2" by @sck710 and "The 1D extravaganza" by @alig12312.

~Forever Directioners

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