Chapter 24

24 1 0

Hey, update time!!



I went into my contacts and found a name I never thought I would cross again. I pressed call and waited while the phone rung.

Finally they answered, "Hello?"

"Drew. We need to talk."

*Marie's POV*

"Marie? We haven't talked in forever! how are you?" He spoke into the phone.

"I'm fine, just listen for a minute yea?"

He agreed so I started to talk to my old best friend, "Well I'm dating this guy,"

"Harry Styles right?"

"Yes, just no interrupting please." he stayed silent so I continued, "Well we kind of went out with all the guys and girls before and he got some girls number. He had smiled at her like he smiles at me and we had an argument when we got home."

"Okay, is that what made you call me after all these years? You know, that I know there's something else bigger then that. You can trust me. I'm the same guy."

"But you turned into one of them. You left us, you left me, for the obnoxious populars that were complete arses."

"Believe me, you all were better friends, just tell me what's wrong, I promise not to tell a living soul."

"Well, he was-" I got cut off mid sentence by a car beeping.

I turned around and saw that oh too familiar Range Rover on the curb.

"How in the hell?!" I spoke out loud.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked down the phone.

"I'm at a park and he found me!"

"What park?"

"It's one in England I sort of live here now."

"I know," he said, "I do too. I'm studying abroad. Now where are you?"

"That one on the corner of Main Street and Link Avenue."

"I'll be there in five. What ever he did was probably bad and you can tell me when I see you."

With that he hung up and I felt someone standing behind me.

"Who were you talking to?"

His voice nearly brought tears to my eyes, but I wouldn't show weakness in front of him. I couldn't, I've learned to be strong.

"No one." I spoke on barley a whisper.

Crap. That's real confident. Not!

I felt him sit next to me. I moved over slightly, still a bit afraid.

"I'm so sorry, you have no idea how bad I feel right now. My heart is broken into pieces seeing you like this, I- I can't look at anything and not think of you, and most of all I can't not be with you. I need you so much baby." He sobbed.

I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath. I couldn't look at him. I already knew what he would look like, and I couldn't say anything or my voice would crack. So, I just shook my head and stood up.

"Marie, please. I love you so much."

I looked towards him and saw what I had thought. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tear streaked. He had guilt, regret, worry and sadness in his eyes.

I turned when I heard my name being called and I saw Drew running up to me. I froze in my place remembering what Harry had done to that guy in the diner.

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