Chapter 3

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Hey Everyone! We wanted to say thank you for reading this and please spread the word about it! We publish this but update this part for a little

~Forever Directioners


Autumn's P.O.V.

I can't believe this is happening. I am actually meeting One Direction! But, before I'm supposed to. Thank you Paul!

"Your welcome." I heard Paul say.

"Did I say all of that out loud?" I question towards Marie. She just nods her head.

Niall comes over to the two of us and speaks. "Why don't you two come on over here we have an extra couch."

I literally almost died! I mean Niall Horan, my biggest crush, is talking to me. I squeal with delight! Marie elbows me and we walk over.

"So, you know who we are. Why don't we get to know you girls?"

Marie is still the only one of the two of us with self control of being in the same room with these guys.

"I'm Marie. I'm 17. I love to sing and dance."

Once I'm able to talk I do.

"My name is Autumn. I'm 17 also. And I enjoy listening to music."

The boys nod in approval and decide to play 20 questions.

"What's your favorite holiday?" Liam asked.

"We both love Halloween and Christmas!" I answer.

The boys nod and have an impressed look on there faces.

Harry asks, "Um... What's your favorite colors?"

Marie jolts up at this one, "Neon green and neon orange."

"Purple." I simply state.

Louis starts, "This is for the both of you," we nod and he continues, "who is your favorite in the band and why?"

Marie and I stop and look at each other. Marie starts first, "My favorite? My favorite would have to be... Harry! I like Harry because he is confident on stage and has amazing vocals. Also, he's not ugly!"

The boys start to laugh. I have to admit I do too. I don't think anyone was expecting her to say that.

"Those are good reasons. But you have to admit the curls get the girls!" Louis spoke.

Marie and I looked at the boys like they were crazy an started cracking up.

Liam speaks up and interrupts our laughing, "So Marie told us who her favorite is now it's your turn Autumn!"

I can't find the words to talk. "My favorite is Niall." I speak shyly, "I like Niall because I think he is a great singer, I love his laugh and he has the looks."

Marie speaks up to save me from myself, "He's the complete package like all of you! Now don't you guys have a concert to get to?"

The boys nod and Zayn speaks for the first time, "Yeah, but afterwords we are meeting these two girls from a magazine contest. In all honestly I love our fans but, they are probably going to be annoying."

Marie and I look at each other and just start laughing hysterically once again. The boys look at us with curious faces.

"What's so funny?" Harry asks us.

"We. Are. The. Winners." Marie gets out between laughs. The looks on their faces dropped.

"That's why Paul let us in." I explained.

The boys face still had guilt on their faces.

Marie spoke, "It's completely fine. You didn't know."

"Okay. Are you guys coming to the side of the stage?" Harry asked while all their faces lifted a bit.

I nodded to answer for us. Niall came up and grabbed my hand and Harry did the same to Marie to bring us to the stage.

Next thing I know my phone goes off.


I look at her and laugh, "I can't either!" I spoke out loud.

The boys looked at me and just shrugged. I guess you can say they are used to our craziness by now.

"10 seconds till show!" A stage member yelled. The boys ran off and got to their positions.

I can't believe this is happening! I'm actually watching One Direction live!

They started off with 'I Want' and 'One Thing'. Marie and I started singing along. But as they got finished with the first half the twitter questions came.

'Can you do the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air rap?'

'Can you boys sing Torn?'

'Zayn can you do your impression of Harry?'

There were tons more though! After the tweets they sang 'Gotta Be You'. But what surprised me was Harry and Niall coming to the side of the stage just as 'Stand Up' started. They dragged Marie and me out on the stage.

After they finished the song Niall kissed my hand and gave me a hug. Harry kissed Marie on the cheek. We then got off stage and let the boys finish the concert.


Thanks for reading this everyone. We will update shortly!

~Forever Directioners

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