Chapter 25

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*Marie's POV*

"What do you mean Harry got into a car crash?" I choked out.

"I'll explain when you get here." then she hung up.

"Drew, can you bring me to the hospital?" I barley got out.

He nodded and we headed to the car.

The way there I couldn't stop thinking.

What happened?

Will he be okay?

How did it happen?

We pulled up and there was a big mob of fans outside.

"Damn!" I yelled frustrated.

"C'mon let's try try to get through." Drew said and we got out of the car.

We were walking towards the group when Paul came out and up to us. He escorted us in.

"You two okay?" he asked.

We nodded.

He brought us up to the second floor and we walked down a hunch of long hallways.

Finally, I saw the boys and the girls sitting out in the hallway. The only person not there was Niall.

"Marie!" Louis yelled, resulting in getting shushed from all the surrounding nurses.

I walked over to them.


"Who's this?" He asked me gesturing towards Drew.

Autumn, Sam and Ally finally got a good look at him and squealed, running up to him.

They all gave him a huge leaving the others confused. Also, leaving Zayn and Liam looking jealous.

They broke away from the reunion.

"This is Drew, he's our old friend from back home." I explained.

The confused weren't confused anymore and the jealous weren't as jealous.

Niall walked out, "he's awake now."

Everyone looked at me, and I looked down.

"Marie, you know he would love for you to go in."

If only they knew.

I simply nodded and walked to the door. Slowly I opened it a peeked inside.

There on a hospital bed looking at his phone, I saw a broken Harry.

I walked in quietly and sat down. Him finally looking up when I was next to him.

"Marie?" he asked as though I really wasn't there.

I nodded and examined his broken body. It looked as though he only had a broken arm, but he was cut and bruised badly.

I sat on the chair next to his bed. Him watching my every move.

"How did this happen Harry?"

He looked shocked that I was talking, "I was driving back to the flat, my vision was blurred from, umm, crying, and it was raining. I didn't see the car."

I felt myself tear up knowing I'm the reason that he was here. If I had left with him this wouldn't of happened.

Or I would be just like him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What for?"

"I'm the reason that you're here. if I had just went with you," I started, "this wouldn't have happened."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes it is."

"It's my fault Mar. I'm the one that was being a horrible boyfriend, I'm the one who made you leave the house, and I'm the reason why you didn't come back with me."

I felt a tear leave my eye and trail down my face.

With his okay arm, Harry reached over and wiped it away.

"Why did you flirt with her?" I asked the questions that's been on my mind since lunch.

Harry sighed, "You see, with us, we kiss, we hug, we cuddle and we flirt. Don't get me wrong, I love that, and I love you." He took a breathe and continued, "I'm just used to, I don't know, more in a relationship, if you know what I mean."

I looked at the ground. I knew I wasn't good enough for him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that I wasn't giving you enough."

"No, that's not what I was saying."

"It sounded like it."

He sighed again and shook his head.

His eyes locked with mine and he spoke again, "I'm just not used to it, okay. Girls usually use me, and then leave. I don't usually have someone that cares about me, someone who just wants to have a lazy day with me rather than go out clubbing, or having me by then clothes. I have never gotten someone like you."

"Why don't you just talk to me about these things?"

"Isn't that what we are doing?"

"It's always like this, we fight and then we talk it out. We should be able to talk it out without getting in a fight first."

He nodded, "I thought it would be an awkward situation for you though, you know since I'm your first boyfriend and all."

I looked down and then back at him, "It probably would have been, but then we could've figured this out instead of getting us here."

"And instead of me hitting you." I flinched at his words.

"Let's just forget about that." I told him.

He looked at me curiously, "does that mean that you'll be mine again?"

I looked at my feet, "are you gonna come to me to talk rather then us fighting?"

I looked back up and he nodded.

"Then, sure." I smiled.

He smiled back.

"So that talk," He started, "can we talk about you know?"

I looked at him, took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's going to have to happen at some point, I can't avoid it forever."

"So, what do you think of it?"

I shrugged.

"Mar, I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do."

"I know, and I understand, but I don't want to lose you." I whispered.

"You won't."

"I already almost did."

He looked at me with regret, "that's before we talked, or attempted talking about it."

We both stayed quiet for a couple of minutes.

I then looked up at him and our eyes met.

"I want to."



I know I didn't write it but it's pretty obvious what they were talking about. Right ? right. Now I hope you all enjoyed this chappie


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