Chapter 14

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Autumn hasn't had a POV in a while. So here you go! I know Harry said I love you to Marie really early but it was for the sake of the story. Sorry if some of the lyrics are wrong. I was just listening while writing.


*Autumn's POV*

I know we're best friends but he can't fall for her. That's why I've planned what I have. Niall brought me to meet Taylor and at the JingleBall she is going to make Harry hers.

"You ready to go?" Niall asked me.

I nodded and we went to the limo with everyone else. The others are only talking to me when necessary but Niall talks to me.

It was a short ride to MSG where I quickly met up with Taylor Swift 

in the parking lot. I watched everyone walk in.

"So, all I have to do is make Harry fall for me?" Taylor asked. I nodded. "How would I do that?"


*Marie's POV*

I forgot my phone in the limo so I went back out to get it. I noticed Autumn talking to Taylor so I decided to eavesdrop.

I went by a car and listened.

"All you have to do is be all flirty and kiss him." Autumn told Taylor.

Kiss who?

"What if Marie's like next to him the entire time?" Taylor asked.

So this is about me.

"Then I'll get them apart somehow."

Taylor nodded and the two of them walked inside.

I quickly ran to the limo and grabbed my phone. I went through my contact list until I found her name.


I called her and hoped she would answer.

"Hey girrrrrrl!" She yelled down the phone.

"Perrie, something important just happened." I told her.

"What's up?" She asked sounding worrisome.

"Taylor and Autumn have a plan to get Harry to fall for Taylor. Someone needs to be with him at all time." I explained. I might sound like an over-protective girlfriend, but Autumn was out to get me.

"Okay. Come back in now." She spoke down the phone.

I chuckled. "Kay bye!"

I hung up and jogged inside. Good thing I was wearing converse. I don't really wear heels or wedges. I enjoy have lazy days.

I saw Harry and ran up to him.

"Hey babe." He spoke.

"Hey. Can I talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded and we walked to his dressing room.

Cool all the boys have their own.

He shut the door and we sat on the couch.

"What's up Marie?" He questioned.

I looked him in the eyes and spoke.

"Last night. Did you mean all of that?"

He looked shocked. "Of course!"

I nodded. "Just making sure."

"Why?" He looked worried.

"When I went outside to get my phone Autumn and Taylor Swift were talking. They have a plan to get you to fall for her and I hate that Autumn is out to get me. They're planning on Taylor flirting on you and having her kiss you. Probably in front of me. Autumn said she will get me away from you if she has to." I explained.

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