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The three watched movies and cartoons till they all passed out on the couch. Sun rolled over and groaned as her bladder woke her up. She waddled to the bathroom and did her thing, not knowing that Junguk was outside the house. He saw her get up from the couch, and walked off. He grinned, "Now's my chance." he said as he walked towards the back door.

Junguk ran to the back of the house and looked around, making sure no one saw him as he hopped the fence. He snuck over to the back door that would lead into the Yoongi and Taehyung's kitchen. He took from his pocket a picklock kit he found online and after a few attempts he got the door to open. He let out a breath of relief whenever he didn't hear any alarms. Once in the house, he slowly walked into the living room, smirking as he saw the two men sleeping on the couch. He turned his head towards the door he saw Sun go into, and walked towards it.

Sun yawned as she washed her hands, not knowing what was going on outside the door. She turned the sink off and dried her hands on a soft blue towel before going to open the door. The second she opened it, she felt her heart drop, Junguk , she hadn't seen him in years and there he was standing in front of her. She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out as the older male, covered her mouth with his hand. He grinned and held her close as she kicked and tried to get away. "Awe cute.. I missed you so much my Sunnie, and now we can be together." He whispered.

Junguk started to carry her towards the back door when Sun heard some noises, and her eyes lit up as she thought, Maybe the boys are waking up!

She saw her opportunity and kicked her legs some more before she knocked a glass off the kitchen island and making it fall to the ground and shatter.

Junguk groaned and looked up, seeing a sleepy male standing in the door way to the kitchen rubbing his eyes, "S-Sun?" Tae said in a raspy voice. His eyes meet with Junguk's and he screamed, waking Yoongi, "SUN!! NO!-" Tae ran after Junguk but the younger male was already out the door. Junguk ran as fast as he could around the house with Taehyung behind them. Junguk got to his car and threw Sun in the back before getting in and driving off. Taehyung kept running and he cried as he fell to the ground, scrapping his knee in the process.

Yoongi ran out the front door, and over to Taehyung, who was sobbing on the ground. Yoongi helped the other up and frowned. He felt like his his heart was ripped from his chest. He hugged Tae, and rubbed his back. "We will get her back baby.. I promise." He saw, as now he was seeing red. He wanted to find Junguk and kill him. No one messes with my babies, Yoongi thought.


Yoongi and Tae went back into the house and called their friends. They knew they would need help and before getting the police involved, they wanted to see if their friend who was very talented in hacking and finding people, Kim Namjoon, would be able to find the two.

Namjoon, and his husband, Seokjin came over and while Namjoon and Yoongi set up some computers in the living room, Tae and Jin were in the kitchen. Taehyung was still crying but he finally got them down from sobs to quite tears. He grabbed a broom and started to clean the broken glass off the floor.

"H-how did he f-find her? Why would he do this?" He asked and hiccupping every now and then, Jin sighed and grabbed the broom from the younger, "Sit down sweetie.. and I don't know. But Joonie will find her, okay?" He said as Tae nodded and sat down.

Yoongi was walking back and forth in the living room and he sighed before looking at Namjoon who was typing away on the computer, trying to find anything and everything about Junguk. "Find anything yet?" Yoongi asked and Namjoon sighed, "For the second time, no Yoongi. It takes a minute." He said.

Yoongi nodded and ran his fingers through his hair, "I know I'm sorry.. I just need her back. I need to find her." He said. Namjoon looked up again and gave Yoongi a small smile, "I know. We will find her okay? I promise to do everything I can." Yoongi smiled softly and nodded once more.


While the couple and their friends were doing all they could, Junguk took Sun to his house. It was outside of town by a few miles, and located down a long dirt road with no other houses within five miles of it. Mi Sun was curled up in the seat, crying softly and wishing she could be back with her boys.

Junguk noticed her crying and sighed, "Baby, there's no need to cry. Everything will be better now that we are together. I cleaned up the basement for you and made sure to buy some foods I know you love." He said.

"Nothing is better! I don't want you and I don't want to be with you! I love Yoongi and Tae!" She said and that made Junguk angry. He parked his car at the house and got out, dragging Sun with him. She yelled and kicked but Junguk was stronger and her kicked didn't hurt. He took her inside and down to the basement, where he threw her on the bed and tied her limbs up. He took a pocket knife from his pants and ran it down her body till he got to her thighs. He opened the knife and slowly pushed down as he moved it farther down. Sun screamed in pain as the blood ran down her thigh.

"Now you're going to lay here and think about how what you said hurt me." He said before walking out of the room and locking the door behind him.

Sun laid there and cried; the room was dark and she was scared of what he might do to her next. She felt cold on her wound as the air hit her skin and she felt the blood slowly move down her leg. Before she knew it, the pain knocked her out.


1079 words (not edited)

not as long as the last one but I am trying to play this Junguk thing out lol idkkkkk

I hope you like it and plsss like and comment!! Let me know what u think (:

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