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3rd person pov.

Yoongi took the phone, reading the text message and furrowing his eyebrows as he lifted his head and looked at the girl who was shaking. He didn't want to assume anything before asking, but a part of him was scared that she was already with someone. He didn't like the idea of lying or her cheating on someone, even if they hadn't done anything.

"Sun, babe. Who is this Junguk?" Yoongi asked, causing Taehyung to raise his head. The oldest of the three handed the phone the Taehyung, so the other male could read the text.

Taehyung gasped, "Baby, are you dating someone???" He asked the girl, who was hugging herself. He wrapped an arm around her so she would feel she was safe with them and could tell them anything.

"No.. I am not dating anyone. Junguk, is an ex.." She spoke in a soft tone as she stared down at her hands. Her lips curved into a frown as she closed her eyes, and remembered everything Junguk put her through. "H-he was perfect, everything was perfect till one day he snapped.. I-I made him mad and he started to yell and hit me.. After that, it was like every little thing set him off and he would hurt me. He got good at it, because he knew where to hurt me so no one would see the marks or bruises." She explained more.

She opened her eyes and tears started to race down her cheeks, while Taehyung and Yoongi exchanged sad looks then hugged her tightly. They couldn't believe someone would ever hurt someone like Mi Sun. She was honestly so nice and sweet. She never hurt anyone in her life and the fact this Junguk guy hurt her, made the older males angry and upset.

"Princess,  I promise we will not let him come near you again. Tae and I will make sure you stay safe okay?" Yoongi spoke as he cupped her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears. "No need to cry baby, we are here for you." Yoongi said, while Taehyung took her phone again and blocked Junguk number. At least for now it might stop Junguk from talking to her, Tae thought.


For the rest of the afternoon, the three laid on the couch cuddling up while watching some flicks on tv. Sun eventually slipped back into her headspace, feeling little again. She sat there for a while before she couldn't sit still anymore. She crawled over to Taehyung and sat on his lap, poking the older's cheek a couple times.

"Oppa, I wanna pway." She spoke before letting a giggle slip through her lips. Taehyung felt his lips curve into a smile and nodded before picking her up and putting her over his shoulder. She let out a gasp and squirmed in his arms.

"Oppa!! Put me down!" She squealed and Taehyung laughed, "But you said you wanted to play!" Taehyung defended, all while Yoongi just watched and smiled as he saw them playing around. He felt so happy and at peace with them. He stood up and quickly took the small girl from his lover and laughed as he hugged her. 

"Daddy!!" She gasped and hugged Yoongi tightly, feeling so much love being in their arms. She kissed Yoongi on the cheek,  "Love you daddy." She smiled and poked his nose. Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up and his smile only grew as he kissed her nose, "Love you too princess." He spoke. Taehyung pouted, "I want some loves," He whined.

Sun jumped down from Yoongi's arms and ran over to Tae, hugging his waist. "I love you too oppa," She giggled and stood on her tippy toes before placing a kiss on his cheek. Taehyung felt his heart flutter from the cuteness and he quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller girl and spun them around as he hugged her, making her laugh.He stopped and kissed her forehead, "I love you too baby." He whispered.

Soon it became late and Mi Sun had work the next day so they helped her slip out of headspace and pack her things up. She frowned the whole time and once she finished, she waddled over to the two males who coo'd at her.

"I-I don't wanna leave just yet.." she mumbled and they hugged her, feeling bad. Neither of them wanted her to leave either but they knew she had couldn't just miss work and school to hang out.

She sighed as the three walked towards the front door. She opened the door a little and turned towards them, "We will hang out again soon right?" She asked. Yoongi and Taehyung nodded, before the oldest spoke, "Of course baby. We will see you real soon, and make sure you text us when you get home so we knew you made it safely." He said and kissed her forehead then moved out of the way so Tae could say goodbye.

"Bye bye Sunnie, we can't wait to see you again! If you need anything, and I mean anything you text or call. I blocked that Junguk guy on your phone but if he pops back up, please tell us so we can help." He said and kissed her cheek before backing up.

She blushed softly and nodded after listening to both males. "Okay okay.. I promise to text and call! Bye bye Yoongi, and bye bye TaeTae." She said in a sad voice before she walked to her car. She put her bag in the passenger seat then drove home.

She sighed as she felt a little down having to leave their home but she knew she needed to get home and get ready for school and work the next day. Once she got to her apartment, she texted the boys to let them know she made it home. She took a shower then put one some sweats and got in bed. She snuggled under her blankets and slowly fell deep into her slumber.


Heyyy sorry I have been gone for so long but ya know how life is sometimes lmao

This was mostly a filler chapter but I hope whoever reads it still enjoyed it

Love ya

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