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The next morning, Sun woke up first and wandered down the hall and down the stairs before finding herself in the couples big kitchen. She was still amazed by their house, even after seeing it at least five times. She especially loved the kitchen, it was beautiful. Grey and white counter tops, white cabinets, new fancy appliances, and lots of food. She giggled softly to herself as she rolled her sleeves up and walked to the fridge. She grabbed some ingredients out and hummed aloud as she began to cook some french toast. She figured it was the least she could do, since the boys are so sweet to her.

While Sun cooked, Tae turned over and expected to hug the girl, but felt nothing. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times as he fully woke up. He looked around and noticed Sun wasn't anywhere in the room. "Yoongi-" He whispered yell, then poked the older. Yoongi just groaned a little and rolled over. Tae sighed and hit the older, "Yoongi! Wake up!" He said louder this time.

Yoongi whined, and opened his eyes. "What Tae??" - "Sun isn't here. Where is she??" He asked in an almost panicked voice. Yoongi noticed that and sighed, sitting up and patting Tae's arm. "I'm sure she is somewhere around here, she wouldn't have just left.-" He stopped as he smelt something, something good. "Tae do you smell that? It smells like food, maybe she is in the kitchen." He said and got out of bed, and heading to the kitchen, with Tae behind him.

Sun was singing along to the music she had put on her phone and swaying around as she took the french toast off of the stove and poured some powdered sugar of it. She didn't hear the boys come in but as soon as they did, Tae ran over and hugged her from behind, scaring the girl. She gasped, "Tae! You scared me!"

"Well you scared Tae this morning. He woke me up in a panic looking for you, but apparently not good enough if you were just down here." Yoongi said, making Sun laugh. She kissed Tae on the head and he stood up, "I am sorry I scared you Tae~" she said in a soft voice.

Taehyung stood back up straight and smiled at the girl, nodding his head, "It's okay cutie! The food smells great, when can we eat?" He asked, causing the other two to laugh.

After making their plates, they all sat down and ate the food that Sun made. Yoongi sipped his coffee that he ended up making while the other two chatted.

"So I was thinking, today we should go on a date." Yoongi said.

Tae smiled and agreed while Sun picked at her food, shrugging, "Sure..." Tae's smile immediately dimmed, causing Yoongi to grab his hand "What's wrong sweetie? Don't you want to go on a date?" he asked.

Sun looked at the two and felt bad for making them upset, "I do! but.. I am scared that people will judge me." She spoke in a small voice. Yoongi and Tae exchanged glances before hugging her sides.

"Baby, there will always be people who will judge but you have to ignore that and focus on being you. We care about you and you care about us and that's all that matters, not what others think. Me and Tae got a lot of stares and even threats from people whenever we first came out. Heck, it still happens from time to time but now living here, in a bigger city it's not as bad but it still happens and it probably always will. We don't let it effect and neither should you. We will always protect you and make sure you are safe and happy okay?" Yoongi explained.

"Yeah! and if anyone upsets you, I'll fight them!" Tae said making the others laugh, "Hey-" He whined, then mumbled, "I can fight.."

"Of course you can, honey." Yoongi said but shook his head no at Sun.

Sun giggled more and nodded, "Thank you both.. I feel better now and I am excited for our date! Where are we going?"

The oldest male smiled, "It's a surprise, go get ready and then we can go." He said and laughed as he watched Sun run off to the bedroom.

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