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The next morning was nothing out of the ordinary, Sun had woken up extra early to shower and fix her hair. She got dressed in a cute skirt and blouse with matching flats while the apartment blared some BlackPink, Red Velvet and other lady boss girl groups music. Sun added some natural looking makeup since she was going to be seeing Yoongi and Tae after work. The young girl finished getting ready and ate a light breakfast, not super hungry but she knew she would be later. After locking up, Sun headed downstairs and outside; grinning as the sun rays hit her skin she felt peace. The girl enjoyed beautiful weather like today and felt it was truly going to be a good day. She walked to work, with a smile and once she arrived she went straight to the back. 

Sun grabbed an apron and tied her long wavy hair up in a cute messy pony tail before heading back to the front. She greeted her coworker and begin setting up. She had the first morning shift so they weren't open for another ten minutes but it gave her and her co worker time to get things ready and make a fresh pot of coffee as well as start making some pastries. While Mark, her coworker already made the pastries since he got there a bit earlier before her, she was left to just ice some and decorate them. Sun hummed along to the song radio music they played in the store and made small talk to Mark for the next ten minutes. Once it was time to open she unlocked the door and welcomed the first guests who walked up. 

Hours go by and Sun found herself sweeping and cleaning up a bit as she waited for the afternoon shift got there. She heard the door bell ring and she looked up, about to welcome the guests since Mark was in the back prepping some new pastries. Sun saw it was Yoongi and Tae and her smile grew as she ran over and hugged them. "Yoonie! Tae!" The boys hugged the girl back, "Hi Baby, I know we are a few minutes early but this one ran out the house so fast." Yoongi and Sun laughed as Tae rolled his eyes playfully,

"Oh hush Yoongi, you weren't complaining so whatever and Hi princess!" He said and kissed all over Sun's face. The girl blushed and giggled before pushing him away, "Stop~ I'm at work! Wait here, I'll go see if Mark is okay with me leaving early." She smiled as she walked to the back. She saw her coworker and walked over, "Hey Mark~ I was wondering if I could leave a few minutes early, my replacement should be here soon and I already cleaned up," She gave the male puppy-dog eyes and he just chuckled, "Go, I'll see you later Sun." She grinned, "Thanks Markie!!" She said, throwing her apron off, hanging it up and clocking out before she ran out to her boys. She grabbed one of each of their hands and ran out. 

Tae and Yoongi just laughed and followed, both happy the girl slowed down once they were outside. "So, who is ready to pack?" She asked as they both chuckled again, "Lets go cutie!!" Tae yelled as he picked Sun up and ran around leaving Yoongi to follow but not before he took a photo of them, looking all cute. He smiled, loving his babies and caught up to them. "Taehyung put her down before you drop her. " Tae pouted but put her down, "You're no fun," He joked and Sun rolled her eyes at their behavior. They got to the boys car and all got in before driving off.

They made it back to her apartment and the girl gave everyone a task; Yoongi had kitchen, since he was trusted most with the breakables, Tae had living room and Sun had her bedroom and bathroom but whichever boy got done first could help her with the bathroom last. Once they decided tasks, and grabbed enough boxes and tape they got to work. Sun played some music on her speaker in her bedroom and went to her closet, packing her clothes first. She held a jacket in her hands as she remembered the day she moved into this apartment. She had just moved out of her parents and started college. She was scared and nervous to be on her own but also she was so excited and loved the freedom. She remembered walking into the apartment and it wasn't the nicest or in the best shape but she didn't care. She told the landlord she wanted it and she fixed it up and made it her own. 

Sun didn't realize it but she had started to cry and she looked up to see Yoongi had walked inside. He walked over to the girl and pulled her into his arms. "I know babygirl.. It's hard to leave your first place but I promise it will be okay, alright and you can always talk to me or Tae about anyting." She nodded and smiled as she sniffled. "I know and I am so excited to live with you guys, it just hurts to leave but I know it will be okay. I am a completely different person than who I am when I first moved in. I changed and grew as a person and I learned some much while being here but it's time for me to move on and grew with y'all." She said, then turning to see Tae listening. He smiled and nodded, "I am proud of you princess and so excited to have you coming with us." He said. 


The three finished up most of the packing and after a few hours they decided to take a break. Sun made sure to label the boxes as she was only taking a suitcase and some important things tonight. Since it was late and they were all hungry they decided they would grab something fast on the way to Yoongi's and Tae's which is now Sun's but until she moves all her stuff and gets unpack she thought it wouldn't feel much like hers. They brought her suitcase and other bag downstairs and walked to the car. Sun got in the passenger seat and buckled up while Tae got in the back and Yoongi drove. Sun was so exhausted from waking up early and working and then packing that she ended up falling asleep on the drive. While in a drive through the boys made sure to order something for Sun incase she wanted to eat once they got home. 

After arriving, Taehyung woke up Sun and walked inside with her while Yoongi got her stuff. "Princess, do you want to eat before you go to bed?" Tae asked and Sun slowly nodded her head. She ate some of the food then looked at the other two, pouting her lips and rubbing her eyes. "Daddy.. Oppa.. I'm sweepy." She mumbled. The men cooed," Awe babygirl, do you want daddy to take you to bed?" She nodded and stuck her thumb in her mouth, "Princess, you're so cute~ Oppa will go get you a bedtime outfit and paci while Daddy takes you to bed." He said and Yoongi carried her upstairs while Tae went grabbed a onesie. Yoongi let her brush her teeth in the bathroom before he walked to the bedroom. He laid the girl on the bed and she got changed into a cute onesie with little suns and clouds on it once Tae brought it up. He gave the girl a light blue paci with clouds on it to match and cooed as he held her. "Princess, do you want to sleep with us or in your own bed?" He asked and she pointed to their big bed. He grinned and placed her in the middle, "Babygirl we are going to change okay?" She nodded her head again and felt her eyes get heavy as she laid on the bed. She wanted to stay awake till they got back but her body was fighting hard to sleep but thankfully luck was on her side as the boys walked in the room. They laid down on either side of her and immediately snuggled up to Sun.

She felt happy and warm and soon enough she fell asleep. The other two soon fell asleep as well, both still staying close to Sun and with their arms around her, they too held hands. 


1427 wordssss - unedited lol sorry I suck at updating but I am thinking of making this book only 20 chapters, which if I do that then that means only 3 more ah lol but idk yet. let me know what yall think of this chapter tho

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I purple you allll <3 Mallie 

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