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Third pov.

Taehyung woke up first, or at least he thought he did as he sat up and saw that Sun was still asleep. His lips curved into a small smile, feeling relieved to have her back safe and sound. His eyes moved around the room and expected to see Yoongi laying on the other side of the girl but the spot was empty. The pillows looked untouched and the blanket was still flat, causing Tae's mind to wonder. He figured- or well hoped that Yoongi just got up early and went downstairs or something. Wanting that thought to be right, Tae slowly got out of the bed, so he wouldn't wake the sleeping girl and he creeped down to the living room, wincing as his feet hit the cold tile. A yawn escaped his lips as he made his way into the other room but he soon frowned as he didn't see the small man.

"Where could he-" He stopped himself as he heard a noise, what almost sounded like a soft bang, like as if someone dropped something. He felt his heart race as he walked down the hall, going towards the sound. "This is stupid.. it's just Yoongi.. no one else. Tae come on.." He mumbled soft words aloud as he stopped in front of the guest bathroom door. He jumped a little as he heard another bang and this time a males groan followed. His eye brows furrowed as he knew that groan and he immediately knew it was his husband.

"Yoongi, oh my god you gave me a scare, what are you doing in there?" He asked as he opened the bathroom door, not expecting to see what he saw. He opened his mouth to scream but instead Yoongi's hand covered it, muffling the sounds. "Baby.. lets not wake Sun okay? I need you to nod so I know you wont scream and I'll move my hand." the younger slowly nodded and just stared at the scene in front of him.

"W-what...You- You're shirt- covered in b-blood and your face-" Tae stuttered out, his breathing getting faster, "Are you hurt? What happened??"He freaked and rushed to the cabinet to get the first aid kit. "Should we call 911, that's a lot of blood-""It's not mine." The older spoke in a calm voice. Taehyung didn't know if he should be happy that its not his husbands blood or freak out because it's someone else's.

"What did you do..?" Tae stepped back and his mind wondered to a million different reasons. "I took care of it. Like I said-""Yoongi! What did you do?!" Yoongi flinched from the sudden voice raise from Tae. "Baby, he wasn't going to stop. I had to take care of it.. we're going to be okay now. Sun is going to be okay now."

Taehyung covered his mouth with his hand in shock, "Oh god.. did you kill him?" he said in a whisper tone. "Tae-no. Let me explain. but first let me change, meet me in the living room okay?"

Taehyung walked to the living room and sat down, pulling his legs up to his chest. He thought about what would happen if Yoongi got caught. What would happen to them? Would go to prison for life? Would Sun hate them or leave them? Would they lose everything? He got pulled out of his thoughts as the older walked in and sat down in front of him. They sat in a silence for a moment until Yoongi cleared his throat, "Okay. so you deserve the whole story.. so this is what happened. I couldn't sleep last night, I needed to figure things out. I just kept thinking that he would come back and I knew I couldn't call the police because one they couldn't do anything without enough evidence and two I knew Sun didn't want all that because her family would find out and I don't know Tae.. I just wanted to fix things.."

LAST NIGHT || 1 AM || two hours after Tae went to bed with Sun.

Yoongi's pov.

I felt restless, laying in bed, even next to two beautiful people, couldn't help me. I needed to do something, something to help. I wandered my way into the living room and came up with a plan. I grabbed my keys from the hook, slipped on my shoes and left. I wasn't really sure how I remembered to get here but it was like I didn't have to think. I parked my car and looked over towards the house that we were just at, Junguk's house. Before I could stop myself I was already out of the car and walking towards the door, raising my hand and beating on it.

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