Episode 3 Part 3 - The accident

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The carriage ride back to town was eerily silent. Charlotte kept glancing at Tom who appeared incredibly strained and Mary who looked rather troubled. Sidney sat next to her, equally tense, Charlotte could feel the tightness in his arm muscles that occasionally knocked hers as they bumped along the road. Halfway into the journey, Charlotte couldn't take the silence any longer, and so went to address Sidney.

"I was hoping to go and see Georgiana, that is, Miss Lambe when we get back into town, if you'll permit me Mr Parker, for I have not seen her for two days."

"Is that wise Miss Heywood? Perhaps you ought to return to Mrs Griffiths' house to rest after your... episode?" Sidney suggested.

"I am quite recovered thank you." Charlotte responded.

"Are you sure, for you still look rather pale?" Sidney asked.

Charlotte glanced Sidney's way and noticed his eyes on her and she remembered the words Mary had said. Could that be true Sidney cared about her? For some reason it gave her a warm fuzzy feeling.

"Yes you do still look rather pale, Charlotte. Why don't you take some refreshments with us back at Trafalgar House before you go and see Miss Lambe?" Mary suggested.

Charlotte braved another look in Sidney's direction. This time he was frowning at her seriously and it made her feel a little guilty, for he had raised the issue of her not eating enough before, and if truth be told, she had skipped breakfast due to her eagerness to get to Trafalgar House and only had a light lunch. Perhaps her almost fainting spell, although triggered by the fact she had found out that the owner of the pair of shoes from behind the curtain at the ball was Clara, was exacerbated by the fact she had not eaten much. And if she was honest, she was hungry.

"That is very kind of you Mary, thank you." Charlotte replied.

"Not at all." Mary said smiling.

They arrived back at Trafalgar House. Tom went straight to his study and Sidney followed whilst Mary made arrangements for Charlotte to be given some refreshments. After she had eaten, Charlotte seemed much more herself; certainly the colour came back into her cheeks. However, she couldn't help thinking about Clara, not just about the fact she had been hurt in Dr Fuchs' shower bath, but more about what she had witnessed at the ball. If anyone found out what had happened, Clara would be ruined for sure and Charlotte did not want to be responsible for that. She was sure there must be some sort of explanation... perhaps Clara was forced upon or coerced by whomever it was behind the curtain with her? Should she speak to Clara about it once she had recovered from her injury? Or maybe it wasn't any of her business and she should just ignore what had happened? The whole situation did not sit well with her at all and she felt really uncomfortable about it.

As Charlotte was sat drinking tea with Mary, they heard someone exit the study and then walk down the hallway rather hurriedly. Mary got up to follow whoever it was and Charlotte caught the snippets of her conversation with them.

"Sidney, won't you stay and have tea with us?" Mary said.

"No, thank you Mary. I... I am off out, but will be back later for dinner." Sidney said. "Please tell Charlotte that I will call on her tomorrow before I leave for London."

"Of course." Mary replied and then the door shut.

Mary walked into the drawing room rather sheepishly. "Sidney had to leave suddenly... I'm not sure why." She said confused. "He said he would call on you tomorrow morning."

Charlotte nodded, feeling slightly put out that he hadn't decided said goodbye. "I ought to leave also so that I can see Miss Lambe before it is time for dinner." She said getting up and Mary got up too. "Thank you very much for the tea, Mary."

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