Episode 7 Part 1 - Always on your side

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Mary and Tom rode silently together in their carriage to Sanditon House. Sir Edward had summoned them as Lady Denham had suddenly taken a turn for the worse and he had informed them it may be their last opportunity to pay their respects. Mary had barely spoken more than a few words to her husband in as many days. After finding out about the pay dispute from Mr Stringer, Mary had confronted Tom about keeping the state of their financial situation secret from her. She felt betrayed because he had lied to her. When he had brought her the necklace, he had said it was a promise of things to come, but it had turned out he had used Sidney's loan to buy it. Once Mary had found out, she had demanded that Tom return it. Now he had at least admitted the gravity of their situation to her, but it had clouded their marriage in doubt. Could she trust him going forward?

When Tom and Mary entered the house, they were immediately escorted to Lady Denham's bed chamber to pay their respects. It was sad to see Lady Denham lying so helpless, given how domineering her presence was usually. They would surely have to cancel the Regatta for she appeared gravely ill. After Mary and Tom had paid their respects, they gathered in the drawing room with a small group of people and Mary was glad to see Charlotte among them. There was something about needing to see a friendly face when you were in low spirits and the tension she had been feeling in the carriage loosened a little.

Dr Fuchs started to speak to them. "I regret to say that I have reached the limit of my abilities as a physician. I fear Lady Denham will not see out the night." He said gravely.

"Then I shall go and pay my respects." Sir Edward said, his eyes flicking to Charlotte who was avoiding his gaze before exiting the drawing room.

Mary was eager to talk to Charlotte, but Clara got there first.

"Charlotte, are you quite alright?" Clara asked her, noticing Charlotte appeared uncomfortable.

"Yes... that is... I am just sad about Lady Denham." Stuttered Charlotte. "I am so sorry." She said, clasping her friend's hand.

"Thank you Charlotte."

Charlotte glanced to the door of the drawing room which Sir Edward had gone through. "How can you stand it? Being in the same room as him?" She whispered.

"I have no choice, Charlotte; I cannot afford to give myself away." Clara replied.

"Surely there is some way Sir Edward can be held to account for what he did to you?"

"Your refusal to court him is enough, Charlotte." Clara said with a little smile.

Charlotte looked a little nervously at her. "Did Sir Edward tell you about that?"

"Yes. I have to say, given what happened between us, it felt rather justifying. You... you did not tell Mr Parker anything, did you?"

"No, of course not!"

Clara nodded, clearly relieved. "Thank you. You are lucky that Mr Parker looks out for you so well and respects your wishes. I wish I had someone like that in my life."

Charlotte looked at her friend and mixture of confusion about her own feelings and sympathy for Clara's situation. "I wish that for your too Clara. I truly am so very sorry about Lady Denham." She said, then noticing Mary was trying to catch her eye, she excused herself to go and talk to her.

The visitors at Sanditon House disappeared quite quickly after Dr Fuch's solemn announcement and soon it was just Esther and Clara left. They sat waiting outside Lady Denham's room as Edward was paying his respects. The tension between the two ladies was palpable.

"Edward is taking his time." Clara remarked, rather fed up.

Esther turned to look at her. "He is paying his respects to a dying woman. You ought to do the same."

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