Episode 1 Part 5 - Sanditon

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Charlotte looked out the window excitedly as the coach made its way across the clifftops towards Sanditon and she couldn't help but gasp when she saw the ocean and marvel at the vast expanse of water that went on and on, as far as the eye could see. It really was magnificent! She couldn't wait to go to the beach to get a closer look and to feel its coolness on her toes. She really hoped Mrs Griffiths would at least allow her to go for a stroll along the beach later this afternoon. That possibility, however, seemed unlikely to materialise, because there had been some changes to her circumstances in the form of two younger ladies... The Misses Beauforts.

Out of the blue, a week ago, Mrs Griffiths had announced that the Miss Julia Beaufort and Miss Phillidia Beaufort were to accompany them to Sanditon as the sisters were to be her charges for the season. At first, Charlotte was delighted by the prospect of younger female company for she had been craving it for months, however only after a couple of hours in their company in the coach, she was very quickly concluding that they were two of the most silliest girls in England. Mrs Griffiths too seemed to tire of the sisters and had lost her patience with them a few times in the coach. Still, Charlotte would not let it spoil her stay here, for she intended to make the most of her time in Sanditon... If she was allowed to go out, that is.

Charlotte had made a real effort over the last two weeks to prove herself to Mrs Griffiths, who no doubt was feeding back to Sidney everything about her behaviour. She had tried to be more enthusiastic about the piano, the embroidery and the painting, even though it was clear she was very poor at all three. She was polite and good mannered and everything a proper young lady should be. Whether her efforts had paid off and she would be allowed some independence, she didn't know, but she had to try for she was determined that she would not spend all her time in Sanditon stuck inside with Mrs Griffiths and two giggling teenagers.

Soon enough, the coach left the clifftops and went onto a road that led to the town. The town was a real mixture of the old and new with low-slung cottages and the ancient church giving way to new shops and grand houses, some of which were clearly just finished and not yet occupied. Charlotte caught a glimpse of a construction site where a long terrace was half built. She thought it would be fascinating to see the labourers at work, for she considered that there was something miraculous about building something from nothing. The coach very quickly arrived at a property to the far side of the town. It was a fairly modest town house, but as Charlotte was used to living modestly, she was already inclined to like it. As she stepped out of the coach, she took a deep breath of the sea air. It certainly felt more refreshing than the London air and she could almost taste the salt from the sea on her tongue. The Beauforts sisters exited the coach after her and started giggling. Charlotte looked around so see what was so amusing. A number of labourers were staring at them with curiosity, along with a portly gentleman and a lady who clung to his arm. The gentleman acknowledged her presence by tipping his hat and the lady curtseyed. Whilst they were strangers, Charlotte felt it only proper to curtsey back.

Charlotte turned back towards the house and made her way inside. There was nothing remarkable about it, but it was comfortable. Her room was more than pleasant for it had a wonderful view of the sea and Charlotte gazed out in fascination at the people milling about on the beach. There were also some strange red contraptions on the beach and people were riding donkeys. She couldn't wait to get a closer look and she sighed with happiness. Whilst Sidney had a lot more to prove to her, Charlotte couldn't deny that his proposition to come here was a good idea, and for that at least, he had gone up in her estimations, albeit it, ever so slightly. Charlotte changed out of her travel clothes and walked down to join Mrs Griffiths and the Misses Beauforts for tea in the parlour.


Mary Parker was a gentle soul and very patient person, and she had to be, for she was married to a fanatical and enthusiastic visionary by the name of Tom Parker. It was Tom's dream to develop Sanditon into a fashionable seaside resort and with Lady Denham's (the great lady of the town) investment, they were making much progress with the construction. Mary was proud of her husband's achievements, but being Tom Parker's wife had its disadvantages, for Tom was often away dealing with one thing or another, that at times it felt like she, and her four children, were very much neglected.

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