Episode 6 Part 5 - An Interesting Week

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Sidney bid farewell to Tom, Mr Lambe, Georgiana, Charlotte and Jane the next morning. Whilst he wasn't entirely happy with Charlotte going back to Sanditon without him, he had made his peace with the decision for she would be surrounded by friends who would look out for her. She would also be busy helping Tom with the preparations for the regatta, so that would keep her occupied and hopefully out of trouble; not that he was expecting Charlotte to cause trouble, but he was worried trouble may find her. Charlotte had seemed rather out of sorts at breakfast, and he wasn't sure why. Even when they had said goodbye, she had refused to meet his eye. Was she angry or embarrassed about the way he had danced with her at the rout? He knew it was reckless to dance like that in full view of everyone, but he wasn't sorry for it, he couldn't be, because being so close to her had been nothing short of wonderful. Their dance had been much on his mind all night, and therefore despite being exhausted from all the activities of the last few days Sidney had not slept well at all.

Sidney's mind also kept wondering to Eliza and all the memories which seeing her again had invoked and it agitated him greatly. His first task during his extended stay in London was to visit her and he had mixed feelings about it, for half of him was delighted to see her, but the other half was disturbed. A lot had happened in the ten years since she had jilted him. He wasn't angry with her anymore, time had healed that much, but her desertion had left her a scar and he wondered whether he would ever be able to trust her again after what she did to him. But for Charlotte's sake he was trying to be a better man, and therefore he decided he would try and forgive her and it was that which persuaded him to visit her more than anything. Now a wealthy widow, it would also be of benefit to see if Eliza would come to the regatta in a few days time, for the terraces needed filling if Tom was ever going to get himself out of his £80,000 debt!

£80,000! Another honest and frank conversation was needed to try and get Tom living within his means. Tom needed to take drastic action, for even if the rest of the season was successful, it would take years to repay such a sum. He had to hope that Lady Denham would not pull out her investment, for surely a significant part of the sum was hers? Sidney's stomach suddenly plummeted... What would Lady Denham think of him refusing his consent for Sir Edward to court Charlotte? Would she hold it against Tom? Would she call in the debt out of spite? He would not force Charlotte into anything, especially when she was so against a match with Sir Edward, but he was worried the refusal may have consequences. He tried to force the thought from his mind and focus on the task in hand – securing visitors for the regatta.

A little nervously Sidney made his way to Eliza's London home that afternoon. He was led to the drawing room by one of Eliza's servants and his presence announced.

"Mr Sidney Parker, Ma'am."

"Thank you Willis." Eliza said as she rose from her seat and Sidney entered the room. "Sidney. Thank you for coming to call on me." She said, curtseying properly to him and Sidney bowed back.

"You have a lovely home, Eliza." Sidney said as he looked around the room.

"Yes, well, I plan on redecorating it once the season is out, but it will do for time being. Please, take a seat. Would you like some tea?"

"Yes, please." Sidney said as he took a seat on an arm chair and servant poured him some tea, handed to him and then left the room leaving them alone.

Sidney shifted a little awkwardly in his seat, wondering how to start the conversation. Thankfully Eliza started it for him. "You look the same, you know." She said smiling at him.

Sidney wasn't sure what Eliza meant by that and if he was honest, he couldn't say the same about her. Eliza was not how he imagined her in his dreams. She was still beautiful, that was true, but different. "I may look the same, but ten years is a long time, Eliza. I am not the same man that I was. Much has changed since we last saw each other."

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