Episode 5 Part 4 - Willingden

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Charlotte was woken up the next day by Jane knocking on her door. She opened her eyes feeling really groggy. It had taken her an age to go off to sleep because she was really excited about going home... for that was what Willingden still was to her: home.

Jane came bustling in. "Come now Miss, you overslept and Mr Parker will be here soon."

Charlotte looked over to her small trunk which Jane helped her pack last night. "It is alright Jane, for I only need to get dressed and break my fast, then we shall be ready to go."

"Aren't you a bit nervous Miss?" Jane asked.

"Well, yes I suppose I am a little, not least because Mr Parker thinks we ought to call on Mr and Mrs Collins while we are there. It will be quite strange to see them settled in my family home." Responded Charlotte as a shadow crossed her face, for the few days that she had shared a house with her distant cousin and his wife had been some of the worse of her life. However, her excitement about seeing her friend and her surrogate family eclipsed the trepidation she felt about seeing her cousin. A wedding was a joyous occasion, and she was not going to let the pain of the past taint that experience in any way.

"Wasn't it good of Mr Parker to agree to accompany you?" Remarked Jane.

"Yes." Charlotte replied simply, for in truth she was still feeling rather surprised that he had offered to do so, but she was thankful for it.

Jane helped Charlotte dress in a simple and comfortable white muslin long sleeved dress. She then let Jane pin her hair back and proceeded to go down to breakfast. Mrs Griffiths fussed rather a lot when Charlotte made her appearance, still giving her an array of instructions on how to behave, but as she was not going to be there, Charlotte didn't take much notice; this was Willingden after all, and not Sanditon nor London. These were people she knew and she loved and who she could be herself around.

Sidney arrived at nine o'clock on the dot and after saying goodbye to Mrs Griffiths and the Misses Beauforts, Charlotte and Jane stepped into the carriage followed by Sidney who shut the door behind him and sat opposite Charlotte and Jane. He tapped on the roof of the carriage and off they went through the town and then over the clifftops.

Charlotte tried to make small talk with Sidney as they went, for she did not much care for silence when they were in such close proximity with each other as it made her feel a little flustered. "A fine fresh day. Hopefully it'll be nice weather for the wedding." She observed.

"Yes, indeed."

"Although, don't they say it is lucky if it rains on your wedding day?"

"Yes, they do." Sidney replied.

Charlotte wrung her hands together as she struggled to come up with topics for conversation. She cleared her throat. "When are Mr and Mrs Collins expecting us?"

"I said we would call for tea this afternoon, after we have secured our rooms at the Swan Inn."

"And then we are to go to Mr and Mrs Elliot's house for dinner?" Said Charlotte.

"Yes, that's right." Sidney said looking at her rather intently such that she was sure he could see right through her.

"It was nice of them to have us over the evening before the wedding, for I thought they would be rather preoccupied." Commented Charlotte.

"That will be down to you, Miss Heywood, for from their letters it is clear they see you as one of their family."

Charlotte smiled. "Yes, well, I used to visit the house daily as a child. I'm... I'm pleased you get to meet them." She said a little nervously.

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