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Nobody's POV

Barbie was lying on the bed unconscious.
She was having a nightmare or better say a flashback of a memory

The dream

The five year old Barbie was running in and playing in the backyard of her grandparents' house in Willows Wisconsin. And her grandmother was running after her.
." Barbie! It's time for bed," her grandmother yelled.
." But grandma, I don't wanna sleep," Barbie giggled.
." If you don't wanna sleep, it's okay. But I won't tell you another adventure story," her grandfather said smirking mischievously.
If you know anything about the little child is that she loves adventures.
You could see glint of excitement in her cute eyes.
She ran toward her grandfather and began to jump up and jumped down.
." Tell me, tell me, tell me, please," Barbie pleaded with her cute puppy eyes.
This made William Roberts chuckle softly at his little adventurous granddaughter.
." Okay Sugar, to the bedroom," William chuckled.
Barbie ran to the bedroom and began to jump on the bed.
William began to tickle her.
." G-grandpa, s-stop," Barbie giggled.
Barbie managed to sit down on her bed. And her grandfather began the story.

." Once upon long long ago, there was a beautiful kingdom which is now in Ireland. This kingdom had a kind king, king Louis. King Louis had a beautiful daughter, Princess Elizabeth. Everyone loved her not because of her looks but because of her manners and her kindness. One of those who loved her was king's minister, Philip Luke," William began the story.
." Ooh romantic!" Barbie said in awe.
." Elizabeth loved Philip, too. They really wanted to get married. But something terrible happened. There was a huge drought. It was so horrible!" William explained more.

." This isn't the worst. France was going to begin a war with Ireland. How was the king supposed to protect his people? This was when he got an idea. He talked about these problems in a council meeting. He claimed if any of his men could solve these problems, he'll be awarded with a great treasure for him and his kids and he can marry his daughter, Elizabeth," Barbie's grandfather said.
." Philip volunteered. He united with Germany. Doing his best. He finally succeeded. French government had to pay fines at the end. Everything soon went back to normal. Philip married Elizabeth and king Louis gave him so much of his treasure," grandfather said.
." And they lived happily ever after," Barbie said dreamily.
." No honey, sometimes stories don't end like that. Other princes and ministers got envious of young Philip. So they planned a sabotage. But Philip knew what was going on. So he hid all of the reward he got from king Louis as his legacy for his children. One night Philip and his wife were murdered in their bedroom," William explained.
Barbie stared at her grandfather astonished.
." Whoa grandpa, that was epic! What happened to his legacy? Could his children find the treasurer?" Barbie asked.
William chuckled." No, even after hundreds of years it's still hidden. But there's a legend saying that the legacy is being cursed after Philip was murdered. Whoever tried to find it got killed because of the curse," her grandfather explained.
Barbie jumped on her bed.
." I wanna find the legacy. Please, grandpa," Barbie pleaded with her cute puppy eyes.
." Okay honey, treasure hunt for another time. It's late now. Night my little princess," William said.
The little girl chuckled and laid down on her bed.
." Night, grandpa," Barbie said sweetly as she tried to go to sleep.
William kissed her forehead and was about to leave the room when someone knocked the door.
Barbie jolted up.
." It's mommy and daddy," Barbie exclaimed excitedly as she ran toward the door giggling.
." Barbie, come back here!" William yelled running after her.
Barbie opened the door.
." Mommy, daddy.........," she exclaimed but then she was frozen in fear.
It wasn't her parents. It was a strange man standing in the doorway.
William approached Barbie. But when he saw that man his smile turned into a frown.
." What do you want, Sligo? You're not welcomed here," William asked coldly.
Barbie realized that man was dangerous so she stepped back.
Sligo smirked evilly." Aww William, that hurts. Is this how you greet your old friend? At least let me come in have tea and we can  talk about old times."
." Stay away from family. Or I'll call the police on you," William hissed venomously.
Sligo frowned." Fine, I'll tell you what I want. I. Want. That. Secret," he said firmly.
William rose an eyebrow.

." I don't think I can. Even if you knew where it is you can't claim it. It can only be claimed by it's own rightful owner. So if that's all, I suggest you to leave," William glared at him.
An evil grin was in his face.
." Oh I knew you would say that," he chuckled darkly.
." Barbie, run and hide," William whispered to his granddaughter.
Barbie nodded. She was about to run but Sligo quickly pushed them aside and grabbed Barbie.
The poor girl began to scream.
William was in total shock. He quickly ran after him.
." William, this is my last warning. Tell me that secret or this little brat will get it," he hissed.
." You can't claim it. That doesn't belong to you. Now release her!" he growled.
He smirked evilly." Fine! Catch her."
With that he threw the five year old child to the cold river.

Barbie screamed. William's eyes were widened in shock and fear.
." Barbara!" William yelled.

The water was taking the little girl toward the waterfall!
William didn't waste a second he quickly dived in the water grabbed the little girl and got out.
Poor Barbie was shivering from the cold.
William took off his coat and put it around Barbie.
." It'll be alright, my princess. You're safe," William whispered softly to her.

The end of flashback

Barbie's POV
I jolted up breathing heavily. I looked around myself. I was in a hospital room.
How did I get here?
I sighed as I remembered my nightmare.
I thought I was over that incident. But apparently I was wrong.
Ever since that I kept on getting flashbacks and nightmares. My parents never let me try to discover that secret because they thought it was dangerous.
I tried to remember what happened before I got there.
Then I remembered that my coughing got even worse and I passed out.

I decided to ignore that memory but I really couldn't shake it off.
I sighed in defeat as I laid back on the bed. Why couldn't I for once break the rules and do what I thought I wanted to do?

A/N: Here's this chapter I know some of you may still think this is dark (*cough cough*). 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣
But I'm doing my best to write the best story I can. And trust me. If you have any opinion, don't be afraid to share it with me either in comments or private chat. I love getting feedbacks.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora