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Patricia's POV

I looked around. I quickly realized two things.

1. The whole building was on fire.

2. Barbie was nowhere to be found.

I began to cough rapidly.

"Barbie! Barbie, where are you?" I yelled.

There was no response.

I quickly rushed towards the main room.

"Dad! Where are you?!" I called.

I saw my dad lying on the floor coughing.

I quickly grabbed his arm helping him up.

We quickly ran out of the building.

Out there I saw Renee and Teresa.

"Guys, where's Barbie?" I asked worriedly.

The moment I asked I heard a sound of another explosion that came from the building.

My eyes went wide.

"Barbie! No!" I yelled as I rushed towards the building.

Once I entered the building I began to cough rapidly due to heavy smoke.

"Barbie! Can you hear me?" I shouted.

But there was no response.

Then I heard a sound of cracking.

I looked over to see a damaged wall that was about to collapse.
Right in front of the wall I saw Barbie lying unconscious on the ground.

My eyes went wide.
I didn't have much time.

I ran as fast as I could.
Then I tried to pull her out but her leg was stuck under a heavy shelf.

I looked up to see the wall was about to fall.

"Come on, wake up!" I snapped as I pulled.

The next thing I knew Barbie was coughing.

"Patricia, go! Save yourself," Barbie said weakly.

I glared at her.

"No! I am not leaving you here," I snapped.

I pulled one last time

One second before the wall collapsed I pushed Barbie out of the way.

"Come on! We have to get out of here," I said as I grabbed her hand and began to run.

As we reached the exit, heavy metals fell closing the way out.

We had to find another way out of there.

Barbie's POV

I looked around to find a way out.

Even though I was feeling physically so weak, I couldn't let Patricia die.
She came all the way to save me.

Suddenly a plan was quickly formed in my head.

I took Patricia's hand and took a step back as I grabbed my zipline backpack.

I wrapped my left arm around her waist.

"What are you doing?" Patricia asked.

"Our only way out, is that window," I replied pointing to a window above.

She nodded as I used the zipline backpack to reach the window.

Patricia quickly opened it.

"We gotta jump," I said.

I turned around to see flame getting closer to us.

Patricia grabbed me by waist as we both jumped out.

My vision began to get blurry.

Then I heard another sound of explosion from behind and the sound of loud sirens.

That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Teresa's POV

Me and Renee rushed towards Patricia who was holding Barbie in her arms.

"Patricia, are you okay?" I exclaimed.

She nodded but then I saw worry in her eyes as she glanced at Barbie.

I quickly realized what she was worried about.

I glanced at Renee and she seemed worried as well.

I sighed.

"Guys, we're no longer safe here. Dunbar knows that we're here and this is not good," I announced.

"What should we do now? Let's not forget that Sligo is also after Barbie and that legacy," Renee pointed out.

Ugh! Another problem to worry about.

"Oh my goodness! Are you girls okay?"

I looked up to see Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Roberts.

They ran towards us.

"We're okay......... But Barbie is........still unconscious," I replied.

Mr. Roberts sighed. "I knew he wasn't gonna back down. Okay, we need to take her back to house. Then we'll discuss some solutions for this problem."

"Wait! We're having another problem, too," Patricia exclaimed.

Mrs. Roberts turned around.
"Another problem? What do you mean, dear?" she asked worry evident in her eyes.

"A guy named Sligo is after Barbie and the Roberts secret," Patricia replied.

Their eyes went wide.

"Sligo?! This can't be! He was died ten years ago. He couldn't possibly come back to life," Mr. Roberts exclaimed.

He was now even more worried.

What did he mean that he died ten years ago?

A/N: Ooh........

Too many cliffhangers.

But there are so many questions left.

How does George Roberts know Sligo?
Does he know about the Roberts legacy as well?

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now