Secret cousins?

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Barbie's POV

If one year ago anyone would have told me that I was gonna run for my life, I might've thought that they were insane.

We stopped to catch our breath.

"We're safe for now. But we need to get back to the Willows," Cassandra announced.

I nodded.

"Cassandra, I really appreciate that you saved me. But if you don't mind me asking why did you save my life?
And more importantly who are you?
How do you know Agent Klondike and how do you know Dunbar?" I asked curiously.

Cassandra chuckled. "Slow down with the questions. But to answer all of these, it's a pretty long story."

I chuckled.

"I have time to listen to some stories," I replied as I sat down, "besides, I am so tired of running around."

Cassandra sighed as she removed her mask and the scarf that covered her face.

She had blonde hair with red tips.
And she had grey eyes.

As you already know, my name is Cassandra.
I'm around your age. And I am trained by Agent Klondike to be a spy," she explained, "I was being trained since I was fourteen when I discovered that my so-called legal guardian had lied to me my whole life."

"Guardian? What happened to your parents?" I asked as I grabbed a bottle of water and began to drink some.

She sighed. "My guardian told me that my parents were killed in a car accident. But then I decided to investigate it myself and learned that I was taken away from my real family. I even learned my father's real name, Alexander Roberts."

My eyes were widened in shock as I chocked on my water.

"Did you say Roberts?" I asked shocked.

She laughed. "Oh my oblivious strawberry cupcake, don't you get it? I am your cousin!"

My jaw was dropped.


She then shrugged. " Let's leave that for later shall we?"

I nodded in agreement as I let her continue.

"I thought it couldn't be just a coincidence that my guardian used to be a close friends with the Roberts and just kidnap me out of the bat.
That was when I learned he's after what is called, Roberts legacy or singularity," she explained.

My head was spinning with all of this new information.

"Recently I discovered that he was doing something big behind my back.
I realized he was after the wielder of the legacy and tried to kill her," she said as she pointed at me.

I inhaled sharply.

"Unfortunately this is not the first time someone wants me dead," I sighed heavily but then something came to my mind.

"Cassandra, who is your guardian?" I asked hoping I was wrong about this.

She gave me a confused look. "Edward Sligo Johnson. Why?"

Holy shit!

I gasped.

"I know him.....," I muttered, "he tried to kill me before."

She looked at me shocked. "Why are there so many people who want to kill you?"

I shrugged. "Dunbar is after me because he sees me as a threat to whatever he plans to do.
Sligo......... I really don't know him."

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now