Mystery solved!

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Barbie's POV

"I think we should break it," I announced as I held up the axe that I had in my hand.

"Whoa! Careful! This is nearly 300 years old," Teresa said.

I shrugged. "The orb must be riven and the gift be given."

She nodded in understanding.

I quickly hit the stone with the axe causing it to break.

We quickly picked up the broken pieces of the stone.

There was a mat right underneath the stone.

Patricia quickly removed it.

We all gasped at what we saw.

Under the mat there were so much gold, jewelries, gold and silver bullions and gold and silver coins and beautiful diamonds.

There was a small safe in there as well.

I picked it up and opened it and it was full of jewelries......and not just any jewelries. They belonged to Queen Elizabeth.

I chuckled.
We finally made it. After being in danger almost everyday we finally found the legacy.

"Oh my God! We did it!" Patricia chuckled.

"Do we also get something from this?" Stella chuckled.

I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Of course, dummy! Without you guys, I could never get this done."

"Guys, it is 11:30! I have some bags inside the car. Let's get this all out of here before the singularity runs out," David said.

Then Renee, Teresa, Sarah and Stella headed out to get the bags and bring them inside.

Right then an envelope fell on the ground.

"What's this?" Patricia asked as she picked it up.

I glanced at the envelope.

"This letter is from King Philip Duke Roberts!" I exclaimed.

I opened the envelope.

Inside the envelope there was a beautiful mirror and a letter.

"Read it aloud. I want to know what it is," Cassandra said.

I nodded.

"From Philip Duke Roberts
To my dear princess, Barbara.

Today is the greatest day of my life. The great fortune teller predicted that my future descendant will be one of the greatest people who will change lives of so many people and her name is Barbara Millicent.

Dear Barbara, if you are reading this, it means that you found the gift I left for you and in order to do that you had to get through so many obstacles.

But my dear princess, always remember that riches is not all about golds and jeweleries because there's a lot more into life than money.

There are things more precious than money.

To see the first treasure you have, look at the mirror in the envelope."

I was so shocked to say the least.

But then I looked at the mirror because I really wanted to know what he meant.

Then I began to continue the rest of the letter.

"The first real treasure you have is inside of your heart. You are passionate, kind and caring. Something that some people don't have.
The second real treasure you have is love and family.
Promise that you'll never forget this and keep on doing the right thing.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now