So close in solving this

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Barbie's POV

Cassandra finally arrived with the folder of the pictures we were waiting for.

All of the pictures were from old historical landscapes, like old palaces and city gates.

"Does anyone know what these even mean?" Patricia asked frustrated.

I was deeply in thoughts.

"Who took the photos?" Ken asked.

We all gave him a confused look.

"I mean there must've been someone with your grandfather who took all these pics," Ken pointed out.

I gasped in surprise. He had a point.

I carefully searched the folder.

Right then a piece of paper fell on the ground.

I sighed as I picked it up.

It was a phone number of a photographer, Harry Smith.

I glanced at my friends.

"I think we have to meet up with him," Stella said.

I nodded then I saw Cassandra who was observing the jewel carefully.

Then I saw she frowned.

"Cassandra, is something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

She held her head in her hands.

"Guys, I have bad news," she said disappointed.

We all glanced at her worriedly.

Then she pointed to the jewel.

"I remember this jewel had a French inscription on its side. But this one doesn't have one," Cassandra pointed out.

I gasped. "Are you saying it's fake?"

She nodded.

Renee got up.

"Wait, wait, wait! You're saying I wore that hideous clothes with awful high heels and put on that horrible red lipstick to get a fake?!" Renee exclaimed.

She really seemed pissed off.

"Guys, calm down! I'm sure there's a piece of puzzle we're missing here," Stella stated.

We were all deeply in thoughts.

"My grandfather had the jewel. Then Sligo stole it. We stole it back. Then Elena Delaforse stole it," I began.

"Wait! Delaforse wasn't the one who stole the jewel!" Patricia pointed out.

I gasped.

"Mr. Brown! If anyone has it, it has to be him. We had the real jewel. Then he stole it. And the one Elena put in so much protection turned around to be fake," I said.

We all nodded in reply.

"Are we really gonna call him? If I recall correctly, last time he nearly wet his pants," Patricia joked as I chuckled.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number then I called him.

But he didn't answer so I left him a voicemail.

"Mr. Brown, this Barbie Roberts. I believe you have something that belongs to me. Give me the Roberts Jewel don't want to know the consequences. But since you really seem to not understanding, I'll give you a hint. Before you'd know it all of the pictures I have and everything you did will be spreaded in social media. Have a good day," I said as I hung up.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now