Unplanned reunion

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Barbie's POV

"Wait! What did she just call him?" Teresa asked rather shocked.

I took a deep breath.

"Let's just say........ It's a long story," I said cautiously.

Patricia was fighting off that man.

I quickly joined in and helped her with it.

I quickly cuffed his hands and used my knockout perfume on him..
He collapsed on the ground.

"Jenny, dear, I am....." Mr. Lovitz began but Patricia interrupted him by moving her hand forward.

"Mr. Lovitz, we're here to ask some questions," Patricia said icily as she looked away.

"Patricia, please....... I wan-," he began but was again interrupted.

Patricia's POV

I glared at him.

"No! I don't want to hear whatever crap you want to throw at me!" I hissed.

Barbie looked at me shocked.

"I'm sorry," he continued.

I huffed. "Didn't I tell you to shut the hell up?"

"Patricia, I think you're going a little far," Barbie said.

I was so mad at him.
Because of him, my life was ruined.

"No, Barbie! This is not far," I snapped then I glared at my father, "and you! Because of you I had to steal to be able to live. This is all your fault."

Then he looked at me shocked. "S-steal? What do you mean?"

I fumed in anger.
Was he really this dumb?

"Oh don't you remember? You kicked me out when I was only sixteen. I had no way of survival. And I had to pay for mom's treatment as well. You know,
just reminding you of what a horrible father you were.
Oh, you don't even deserve that title," I said mockingly.

He looked at the ground in shame.

Good! He had to be ashamed.

Renee and Teresa looked rather confused.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'll do everything to make it up to you, Jenny," he said.

"Don't you dare calling me that! Only mom can call me Jennifer," I hissed.

I was at the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry, guys. I gotta go," I said towards my friends and then I rushed out.

I sat on a stair.

I was shaking as I remembered one of the miserable days of my childhood.

5 years ago.

I came back home from school.

"Happy birthday, Jenny," mom said as she came towards me with a homemade cake.

I chuckled. "Thanks mom.
Can we go to the movies! Purretty please," I pleaded.

"Sure, honey," mom replied.

I giggled as I ran to my room picking the perfect outfit for going to the movie theater.

I picked a green jumper with a green cap and put my hair in a braid.

"Mommy, I'm ready," I stepped out of my room.

"Okay honey, let's go," mom said.

We went out of home and went to the movie theater.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now