A double_agent among

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Barbie's POV
Today was another training day for me and my team.
Aunt Zoe assigned us to solve a mystery together.
In the middle of training I suddenly felt dizzy.
Patricia glanced at me worriedly.
It's been a few weeks that I felt like that and Patricia was the only one who found out. So I made her promise not to tell anyone about this.
But today it was worse than the other times.
I fell on the ground coughing rapidly.
Patricia caught me.
My lungs were burning.
Then Renee, Teresa and Aunt Zoe ran toward me.
This was when I passed out.

Renee's POV

Barbie just suddenly passed out in the middle of training. She fell on the ground coughing rapidly and then a minute later she passed out.
." What happened? Did she have a panic attack?" Teresa freaked out.
Aunt Zoe took her pulse.
." It's so weak. Renee, call for medical help, now!" Aunt Zoe said.
I nodded and pulled out my phone and called for help.
After a few minutes Dr. Jacobson and a few nurses came in transporting her to the treatment center.
It was weird. Was Barbie sick? What was the meaning of this?
We waited two hours for doctor to examine her.
Dr. Jacobson came out.
." Miss. Z, can I have a word with you privately?" doctor asked.
Miss. Z nodded and they walked to Aunt Zoe's office.

Miss. Z's POV

." So doctor, what did you want to tell me something?" I asked.
." Miss. Z, it's hard to believe. But I think Miss. Roberts is poisoned again with the very same poison but with a big difference," the doctor began.
." How did this happen?" I gasped in shock.
." Last time she was poisoned with enough amount to kill someone immediately. But this time it seems it was given to her slowly. My theory is that maybe the poison was put in her food," doctor explained.
." If that's the case, Barbie usually eat her food with her friends here which means......," I was unable to finish my sentence.
The rest was now clear. There were some double_agents from Dunbar here!
Last time he tried to kill Barbie and Ken when they were both spending time with each other. Whatever he was planning to do I didn't have a good feeling about it.
I had to speak this with the girls.
These double_agents could be anyone so Renee, Teresa and Patricia were the only ones I trusted at the moment.
." Thank you, Dr. Jacobson. How's she now?" I tried to ask as calmly as possible.
." Luckily we were quick enough to find the problem. She could survive this. But she needs rest. Tension isn't good for her. So I think she needs a break," he replied.

That gave me an idea. I had to send her somewhere safe so she wouldn't be found by Dunbar's associates and agents.
Then he would think that Barbie was dead. Then I can try to find that sneaky double_agent.
." Thanks, Doctor. But please don't mention this to anyone. I have a little plan," I said.
He nodded in approval.
I quickly approached the girls.
." Girls, we need to talk about something," I declared.
." About what?" Teresa asked curiously
." It's something that I only trust you three to tell," I said giving them a serious look.

A/N: Yay, it's finally here. Barbie in secret Roberts legacy is finally here. And the story started with a cliffhanger!
What is Miss. Z's plan? Are they gonna find this little double_agent?
Next chapter will be coming soon!

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