A bumpy ride

79 3 18

Margaret's POV

I was pacing around worriedly.

Renee was trying to get in contact with Zoe.

Right then Zoe picked up.

"Hello Renee. What's going on?" Zoe asked.

"Aunt Zoe, we're kinda in trouble," Renee stated awkwardly.

We really didn't have time to tell her the whole story.

So I took Renee's phone and put it on speaker.

"My brother has Barbie," I blurted out.

Suddenly everything was silent.

"Wait........ WHAT?" Zoe exclaimed.

I could say she did not expect this.

"Honey, did you really have to throw it at her all of the sudden?" George asked.

I took a deep breath to calm down.

"I know what happened. And I have some good news for you.
Someone very special managed to save Barbie.
She herself will call you," Zoe said rather very calmly.

I was shocked.

What did she mean?
How could she be so calm?

I was about to protest when I heard my phone ringing on the table.

I sighed as I got my phone.

"Strange....... It's an unknown number," I said as I picked it up.

I was scared.

What if it was him?

"Hello?" I asked fearfully.

"Hey mom, it's me."

My eyes widened in shock.

"Wait a second, honey," I replied.

Then I grabbed Renee's phone.

"How did you.....? Nevermind! I'll call you later, Zoe.
Thanks for the help," I said as I hung up.

I put my phone on speaker.

"Barbie! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?" I exclaimed.

She chuckled nervously. "I'm fine, mom, really! I managed to escape from Dunbar. No worries."

Patricia sat near me.

"Where are you now, Barbie?" she asked.

There was a pause for a moment.

"Well...... Let's just say I am gonna in a secret place hiding with Cassandra," she replied.

I glanced at the others confused.

"Who is Cassandra?" I asked suspiciously.

Barbie chuckled. "Don't worry, mom. She's one of us. If you are still worried, you can ask dad about his brother's missing daughter."

I looked at George and he seemed shocked.

"Okay, honey. I will call you later. Stay safe wherever you are, darling," I said.

"I will, mom. Oh and one more thing.
Where is Ken? Can I please talk to him?" Barbie said.

I smirked.

"Somebody's worried about her boyfriend," Patricia said teasingly.

I chuckled.

"Err........ Patricia, j-just s-shut up," she stammered.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now